
Do you think China, Venezuela, and IRan will become economic powerhouses in the near future

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Basically, will these countries become more powerful than the U.S. in terms of economic trade, military and influence.




  1. China - Yes

    Venezuela & Iran - No

  2. China yes

    Iran is more than likely to become a desert if they don't stop their nuclear ambitions.

    Venezuela is likely to fold back into the jungles, those people are already pretty pissed off at Chavez and I see a revolution coming there.

  3. If we are not careful in the direction this Nation is headed, yes.

  4. Venezuela has less economic and military power than mexico and iran has to bluff about everything to look big, But china is already very powerful and they will only grow in strength

  5. Isn't China already? Are you aware of the debt America is in to them?

    The other two, no.

  6. China, this country is funding the war.  

  7. There's a sleeper that everyone ignores. Brazil, it's the worlds fifth largest country, tenth largest economy, a vast wealth of untapped natural resources, a literate and educated population, it's own weapons industry (one of the worlds largest), and a professional military. All the necessities for a world power. Their day will come.

    The Brazilian military would kick a** on Venezuela.

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