
Do you think China's suicide rate will rise or decline in the next decade? and why?

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China has 4th highest suicide rate in the world, only behind Japan, Finland and S.Korea, FYI.




  1. With you in China, who wouldn't commit suicide?!


  2. go up of course, right now it is among the world's highest, it will must likely not get better b/c the mental health industry, meaning counseling not rugs and hospitals and mental wards, has not caught on yet, every other industry is booming, but, mental health is still something that needs to awaken

    Jie Xu - when I mention the mental health industry you automatically assume I am speaking of drugs and I am not, I have a lot friends in counseling and I guess I should have said the counseling industry, the mental health industry that you are thinking of mostly does things that I disagree with, especially the drug part, remember assuming something before asking for clarification is never the right thing to do, as my geometry teacher used to say, neva azzume (never assume) he was from the middle east and had a bad accent

    "Will's answer is completely uninformed. The mental health and the pharmaceutical industries are themselves major causes of suicides".  According to what statistics?  USA or world wide?  And you pointed out as well that some countries do not report the true numbers, making your research numbers incorrect, I think this was a basic question of whether the number will go up or down, it was not intended to be a 1000 page report on the mental health of Chinese people

  3. First, the figures you report are inaccurate because the sources are unreliable. Most nations won't disclose their actual number of suicides, a matter of internal and political systems.

    Second, any helpful answer to your initial question (not to the comment appended to it) would require an analysis of the major causes of suicides. How do you want to predict such an evolution with any kind of accuracy when you don't consider the possible causes of the issue? All suicides do not occur for the same reasons. You need to categorize the apparent motivations for suicide, then try to find causes for each motivation by analyzing the issues involved.

    Lastly, Mr. Will's answer is completely uninformed. The mental health and the pharmaceutical industries are themselves major causes of suicides. There is a host of good reasons why certain CNS (central nervous system) drugs are required to post a black label on their boxes: they manufacture suicidal cases. Not to mention the number of deaths which occur in psychiatric wards.

    What the Chinese people need is definitely not more mental health practitioners, but a survival of their traditional, family-oriented values.  

  4. If China's education system continues to upgrade constantly, there's going to be more stress. With more stress, you have more suicides.

  5. rise. chinese peopel are all about face. if you lose it, some peope are willing to end their life than to let other people knowa bout how poorly they have done.  

  6. Yes, as education standard - which are already high - increase, it'll increase stress. There's also the stress of money, China isn't a very rich country overall, only a small area and a small minority of people are actually rich.

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