
Do you think China has done a wonderful job?

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I do - how many of you think we should say congratulations China?

Are you sad to not be there? I am, I miss China, but back in August

The goodwill of your people is SO evident !!!




  1. Yes, China did a wonderful job.  

  2. Yeah....i think that was the best opening ceromony i've ever seen....congrats!

  3. Yes China has done a great job-Congratulations are due- but it has Nothing to do with good will of the people in China, they have  been pushed , moved, given severe warnings etc from their homes, communities-China wanted to make a mark in the world and has spent time & money to make the games the  best the world has seen -Its all about the IMAGE-

    China is a beautiful country and they have done whatever it takes to boost its countrys Image

  4. yep, they've done themselves proud.  well done China.

    i was chatting with my host family last night during the opening ceremony and they are so happy and very, very proud.  good on them and let's hope that this is the beginning of something even greater.

    i too miss being there, but don't know when i'll return.

  5. Yes!!! China should be proud they done a wonderful job. i'm sure the Chinese people is very happy. and Chinese people is very friendly.

    me and my husband is here in Beijing now and so very happy to experience the Olympics...

    Congratulation to China...

  6. I think all have something they need to forget.

    Nothing hides the public distaste of Chinese for Japanese.

    Most cultures, peoples have some valid claim against another. My grandfather used to own & work that land that THEY now think they own.  In many places both side can say the same thing.  This cannot end well with a change in the pattern.

    It is strange, as when in China I have seen Japan-war movies on TV just about every night.  Constant reminders.  Yet most people I meet remember these stories & yet will personally have foreign acquaintances, including Japanese.  Maybe this is the best way, to have an official & general feeling, yet no individual actually prejudices to any significant degree.

    Maybe it's a sporting event.  Maybe all should stop using it to show off what they don't do.  Maybe all should stop slinging mud.  In the end if you are not there, you will never know the truth.  What news report do you believe these days?

    I suspect China took on the job of producing a safe spectacle. I hear the ceremony was just that. Well done.


    china is composed of more than 56 different cultures

    Uygurs (East Turkistan), tibetans, mongols, koreans (manchuria), turks, vietnamese (paracel islands) etc....

    all cultures stolen here and there..

    what the h**l is wrong with the chinese race?

  8. No, it sucks!!

  9. THE GOODWILL??????????

    What are you all brain washed or something?

    What exactly are you congratulating them on?

    -Their human rights act?

    -Their pollution? To the point where the athletes have to wear masks everywhere.

    -The fact that they are censoring journalism when they PROMISED not to while bidding for the Olmpics.

    -The war in Tibet?

    -All the businesses they shut down because they weren't "eye catching"

    - The fact that half the businesses wont serve black people  because they think they are all drug dealers

    - The fact that China booed Japan at the opening ceremonies even though they came up with the slogan 'One World, One Dream'

    -The fact that they had to actually make a television show showing the Chinese how to act, not to budge in lines, not to push on the bus, not to spit in public, not to pee on the streets, basically teaching Chinese how to act civilized to impress the world?

    The only thing you can congratulate them on is the fact they can afford to blow billions on fireworks and pretty lights, but don't know how to run a country.

    Don't even bother with your hate responses.. you can't deny all that is true. So unless you have something smart to say besides 'the sleeping dragon is awake and everyone will see how great china is blah blah' I advise you do your research before responding to such a lame question.

    Oh and to answer the Vancouver question... They are not "pushing people out of their homes" they are cleaning up the streets, aka, re-locating the homeless to shelters. Yes its true there arent enough shelters built, but atleast its something.

    Or maybe we should just leave all the homeless on the street? Yeah I didnt think so.

  10. I am an American in China and happy to be here, the Olympic spirit is evident everywhere I go, the people are very happy and proud.

  11. of course! It was great. I love it when all countries are togetter and happy. I never have been in china. HOORAY FOR CHINA! well done

  12. Gloria you are a liar, you are not living in China because if you were you would know everything you have posted is a lie.  Including calling yourself an expat which means you plan to say in China permanently.

    At the opening ceremonies the Chinese people applauded for the Japanese and this WAS as Isotope said mentioned by the commentators. How gracious the Chinese people are.  

    You know NOTHING about China or its history clearly. It might be a good idea to educate yourself.

    I bet you dont even know what an expat is because if you hate China so much why would you give up permanent resident and cut all ties with what ever country you live in?

    China did a wonderful job ! Congratulations China !!  

  13. I think for non chinese, they may have the difficulty understanding the whole prupose of the shows and presentation directed by Zhang Yimou therefore it is also advisable for these people to get some at least slight understanding in the Chinese cultures otherwise they feel bored. But of course there also many who are intrigued with performances given and despite not knowing what is what at that time, they also enjoyed it as it is quite mesmerising especially the colors, the costumes etc etc.

    So I think China did a wonderful job especially when you see the faces of those volunteers on TV!


  15. The opening ceremony was good.

    Events outside the stadium are another story.

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