
Do you think China is cheating in the Olympics?

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I mean in the Women's Diving Russia and the US did brilliantly, with more creative and complicated dives, but they were lucky to get 8's. Yeah, they messed up a bit, but even when China messed up on simple dives they get 8's minimum.

And now in Gymnastics the US Men got the most lousy and unfair scores for perfect routines. Even stuck the landings! And they come in third... I'll admit they didn't do too great on the Horse, but that last guy was brilliant, eh?

Plus, everyone says that the female tots for Gymnastics aren't even of age to be there. Even specialist took a look and said they weren't even 10yrs old. Somethings up I swear it... They should have an investigation done.

What are your thoughts?




  1. yes i do.

  2. The Chinese divers(female) were great when they did the slow motion it looked like just one person was diving not two that's how in sync they were so I think they deserve the good scores. However I agree with the gymnastic score fiasco last night. The US men's got screwed on a couple of the scores I was like wtf when those numbers came up. The female gymnasts are on tonight so I get to see what all the hubub is about the Chinese female gymnasts.

  3. Only the little girl who sang that song at the beginning cheated (as far as I know). That was cruel.

  4. Some things do seem odd..but I really hope that one one is cheating..I mean the Olympics are supposed to bring us all together as one...its horrible if people start to cheat, it wouldn't be fair and it would only make people start to hate each other

  5. yes i think they are cheating theyre way to gold medal....i mean look at the boxing i saw yesterday china vs ukraine..the chinese didn't even lay a punch on the ukranian and he gets plenty of points...and the diving holy c** grandmother can dive better than that,,,lucky all the sports there is not based on judges only otherwise the chinese will get all the gold....

  6. with respect to gymnastics, china was not over scored at all. the US did really well, and they should be really proud, but china is in a league of their own. a perfect routine is great, but doesn't mean much if your start value is low. the US has much  lower start values than china, especially on rings, vault, pommel and,  p bars. the US were also not the cleanest of any group. a stuck landing will still receive deductions if it is cowboyed or landed with a low chest.

    there are age issue with the chinese women, but regardless of their age, they are still some of the bets gymnasts in the world.  

  7. They cheated in the opening ceremonies, Honor is more important then anything even if it involves cheating. The girls are not 16 yrs old.

    The even cheated with Fireworks and they invented them, you tell me.....

    The flame is most likely a computer graphic and the bird nest is a warehouse somewhere.....Kidding on that part, but you never know

  8. I definitely think that China's cheating. Being Chinese myself, I never took pride in China hosting the Olympics. The girls for gymnastics are definitely NOT 16 years old. But from what I've hear they had the Chinese government make fake passports for the girls, which I think is weak.

  9. I agree with you on the Mens Gymmnatics.

    I stayed up last night and all they got were the bronze.

    When China messed up on their routines they still had scores that were passes the 15 and sometimes even 16. But when the US messed up their scores were really low.

    So Its just in the matter of honesty. If they did cheat, it will haunt them in the future.

  10. Did you watch the men's synchronised diving? China won (easily) when the analysis shows they weren't even synchronised! Great Britain came last despite being completely in sync. An outrage!

    It's obvious there's some biased judging towards China happening and I don't like it.

  11. The only thing I think they could possibly be cheating at is their female gymnasts look 11.  I haven't been watching the Olympics, but I did see the girls and, while I do understand the Asian race is usually shorter than Western countries and gymnasts in general are short, it's their faces that make them look 11.  They could be 5'5" and I'd still think they are not 15 or 16.

    On another note, China has 3x the population of America, so they have a better chance at winning because they have more people to choose from to represent them.

  12. I agree that the gymnast girl looked to be about 11 years old but regardless I don't believe China is cheating they're just good at alot of sports because of their countries need to win and be the best, plus they are training rigorously just like every other country part of these games

  13. hmm...I guess they are not cheating. It's called the home advantage. I think all the host nations will benefit from it.  

  14. i dont believe the athletes are cheeting, but it does seem like the judges are giving an unfair advantage, in the mens diving they needed a perfect score and they had a near perfect dive, even the announcer said it was almost perfect, they got a 9.3, the china team had a poor effort and i even noticed the dive was all off the announcer said at best they'd get a 8-8.5, they got a 9.5, its kind of rediculous


    cheating cheating b******s.

    Their gymnasts are not even 10 years old!!! Did you see the girl missing her teeth?!  The women (aka GIRL) divers did very well but they were hardly 12 years old. ALL the chinese are getting totally unfair scores. and in my opinion there SHOULD BE NO CHINESE JUDGES BECAUSE IT IS SO UNFAIR... why is it that our womens gymnasts scores were so low and even the chinese girls stumbled and fell and scores were much higher. OF COURSE THEY WILL DO BETTER THAN THE REGULAR 16 YEAR OLDS, when they are 4 feet tall and 46 pounds. they can fly in the air and are completely fearless, like any normal 7 year old is!

    (and like the attack on the vball coaches in-laws was soooo not planned by the government at all.... my ***)

    the chinese should be DONE and lose ALL their medals!  

  16. China has the best diving team in the world! So they deserve all the medals.You're so mean!

  17. No China is not cheating.

    When you have subjective judging, you are going to have controversy.  In the Winter Olympics is ice skating.

    As for the mens team, they were not supposed to do as well as they did.  They lost their 2 best performers and had to use 2 alternates.

    Right now we are seeing the best that China has.  Wait until next week when we go into track and field.  The US will blow everyone away.

    Our basketball team will win gold, our womens softball team should win gold.

    You wait.  Its early.  The US will prevail.

  18. so, so.

    Just remember, they're the host nation, so they have an advantage.

    Good luck

  19. China is not cheating in the's just that host nations have an advantage

  20. Yes China are cheaters. We all know the chinese gymnast are underage and even if we were beaten by them they still have to follow the rules. Does China think just because they are the host nation that they could get away with it? even the people and media in China know that half the team are underage. Why does this matter? Its still just gymnastics right? Well it matters because most female gymnast reach their peak by the age of 14. Would the score be different if every country brought in all their gymnast at the age of 14 or younger? It definitely would. It disgust me to know that my own country would cheat like this. They did mention that they will get more gold medals than the United States, but they failed to mention that they would do "Whatever" it takes to achieve them. Yet they have a statement to back up and either look like cheaters and win or look like losers that is wrong.

  21. Hii er...they werent even 10 yrs old? wuts that?  didnt get it..he he..but all is..china is going to do all its best to win the first place this time !!  No matter wut it takes.... thats the mentatlity... maybe they are been fed some specialy animal juice or somthing to get power  hee hee :)

    -currenlty in beijing ...going to watch the volleyball match today at 12.30pm =) USA vs. Kazakastan

  22. I think the some of the girls on the gymnastics team are underage. Other than that I don't know. They're innocent until proven guilty but I wouldn't put it past them.

  23. Ther not cheating, just good.  

  24. well got to disagree with ya on the diving US and Russia were not as consistent or synchronized as the chinese and I must say when you saw the chinese competitors (in slow mo) side on it was like you only saw the one person.

    Also with the gymnastics the US men were up with the Chinese all the way, what lost it for them was that one slip on the horse which shattered the score for them. It was actually closer than you may have realised.

    As for the female gymnasts well they have certificates to say they are 16 so yes unless their is an inquiry into it then their is nothing anyone can do.  

  25. I must admit, i have been thinking that too!!

    But they probably arent cheating, just their mad communist dictator has probably said that china HAVE to win everything, no excuses, and made them train like skitzos so they win.

    I watched the opening ceremony and was like woah.

    they have far to many people.

    its scary.

    And they had that mad dove and peace thing etc, when they WONT FREE TIBET.


    they just want to present this charade to the outside world, that everything is perfect.

    When really, they have like a spaz military, and a billion slave labourers that made everything there.


    china scare me.

    they could take over the world if they wanted. :s:s

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