
Do you think China will be at the top of the medal table at future olympics?

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Ever since the USSR collapsed the US has been at the top. Will China be at the top from now on because the USA wasn't exzactly a close second. I know they did have a home advantage but with the amount of golds they won even if they dropped quite a few they would still be at the top.




  1. Nope, the only reasons why china got alot of its medals were home field advantage. They cheated in gymnastics with the underage girls, and they got alot of medals that they shouldn't have gotten in gymnastics because of some pretty stupid judging errors. Those judging errors shouldn't happen again, and the only reason why they made them was because they were in china.

  2. Maybe they train their athletes very hard its quite possible they will come up.

  3. Of course, in the near future too I might add. I agree with the user above, China does need to get a lot better in swimming to be able to top the U.S. Also, Track and Fields, and although the U.S. did not do so well, and Jamaica on the rise, if China can compete with the Jamaicans, there's surely no doubt that China can top the medal chart.

  4. China takes sport very seriously and has an infrastructure, programs, funding and coaching that reflects that. On CBC they showed little tots of 6 and 7 working out in a gym and saying they wanted to be champions when they grew up. Of course there is a down side to that, but that's another post. I think the world can count on them being on top for a while yet.  

  5. Could be.  They were almost there this year.

  6. From a purely statistical point of view, probably China again. Judging from their rapid increase in Gold medals and total medals haul, they are likely to do well in London.







  7. If China can top the medal board; they need to work on their swimming skills. Most of the US medals are in swimming. If China can close the gap to the US in swimming; I honestly believe China can win the medal table. China swimming has improved but it is only the women side. The men is poor at it. Japan and South Korea has great swimmers and I predict 8-12 years China can have the best swimmers out there.

  8. Yes definitely. I noticed this in the Athens 2004 result when China's gold medal count was 4 golds short of the US's 36. At that time, I really thought China will edge out US in the gold medal count in the coming Beijing Olympics, and they just did. After the "best" olympics ever concluded last August 24, China got away with 51 golds compared to the US's 36.

    Just see how China became so dominant on the events. And look at US, they were still stuck with 36. On the overall medal tally, China was just 10 medals short, with 100 medals compared to 110 of the US. Let's also consider the many 4th place finishes China had: Synchronized Swimming Duet, Men's 20km Walk, Women's 20km Walk, Men's Modern Pentathlon, Women's Basketball, Men's Team Epee, Women's Singles Tennis, to name a few -- so close in achieving at least a Bronze medal. So I really think China will sustain this domination in years to come. They just need to put more athletes on the Track and Field, Rowing, Cycling, Equestrian, Rowing, Sailing, and Swimming Events -- then they might just exceed the 100 (total) and 51 (gold) in the future olympics.  

  9. I believe if they limit the doping, and get the ages right, they could easily maintain a high balance, or at least a compeitive ability against major competing coutries, and possibly sweep the charts.

  10. It's really hard to say. Whenever there is a large fascist government competing in the Olympics they always throw a lot of importance into winning medals. Almost maniacal pursuit that comes from the central government. In most other countries there is no push or drive like this coming from the government. I think that is a better question: Why do fascist governments care so much more about the Olympics than any other countries?

    The US was actually quite close and had one of their best games ever. (closer than they have been to the USSR in the past at times)

    Depending on which unofficial method you use to rank teams. (The IOC doesn't officially rank any countries):

    Most Golds: China by 15

    Most Medals: USA by 10

    If you count individual medals (ie 4 given to a relay team, 2 to a beach volleyball team, ect.) then the US has about 200 more golds than China.

    If you count by 3,2,1 scoring (as it has been suggested around here is most fair) China only wins by 3 points. (Or, one gold medal)

    To bad for all of us the IOC charter specifically forbids the development of any official country ranking system. The games is not intended to be 'won' by anyone. How a country performs is entirely subjective.

    The US had their best games since 1904 if you don't count the boycotted games in '84. (All this with the spectacular failure of our normally solid track team.) Our country is all quite pleased and quite proud. If these 2 trends continue there may not be much left for any other countries to fight over.

    Too bad we would've all forgotten about it in less than 2 weeks even if we had won EVERY gold medal. Sadly, the US doesn't care mush for Olympic sports as a whole.

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