
Do you think Christianity a cult?

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The more I think about it, some people devote their entire lives to spreading the word of God and trying to convert others into joining the Christian religion, members donate countless amount of dollars every week to a church in which they have no idea what the money is going towards, and they pray to a being that they have never seen and aren't even sure really exists? I mean no offense to any Christians out there, but I could define that as blind faith, and simply that prayer is a means for just peace of mind, as there is no proof that prayer works, just proof that there is an association with prayer and the power of positive thinking. What do you guys think?




  1. Not A cult - quite a number of cults.

  2. i don't know, i would have to know the deffenition of a cult before i say yes or no.

    Now i did look up a deffenition of another word.

    : A collection of stories used to explain supernatural or unexplainable occourances.

    that word is mythology.  

  3. All religions are cults.

    If you think otherwise, look up the definition of ''cult''.

  4. In quite a few ways, yes, I do. I can't deny the good many of them have done, but I also can't deny the evil many of them have done.

  5. I honestly believe the true religions are the ones that whose primary goal is NOT to spread it around the world.

  6. I think it is a blood-death cult.

    They do not realize it  because of brainwashing.

  7. I have seen.  

    The Bible says  blessed are they that have not seen yet believe.

    Christians are Gods people.  

  8. At the church I go to every person that gives money knows where it goes to. To the church to keep it running (finances) or to ministries. I don't necessarily call myself a Christian because of personal reasons but I do believe in God. But I don't devote my life to trying to "convert" people. If people want to talk about the Bible voluntarily then I'm up for that but I'm not going to stand on a street corner and preach. I read the Bible and try to understand from it so that I can help people understand it when they ask. Believe it or not, there IS a divide within Christianity itself.

    To answer your main question, I believe that RELIGION can become a cult. I believe that people who can't think for themselves and have to follow a leader (such as Benny Hinn - huge media attractor) kind of put themselves into a "cult" like state.

  9. No,  I worship God, not a man.  I do not give countless money to a church either and not know where it is going too.

    You should not make blanket statements about Christians.

  10. cult's just a word. you can use it if you like. it is what it is.

    Calling things names is just a way to use emotion to try to turn people off things. I don't believe Christianity really takes people toward what it says it does but i don't think calling it a cult helps the situation.

    It is the same tactic that Christians themselves use to denigrate other religious groups without having to present clear evidence/ arguments against them. If they did then it would be clear that their own beliefs and practices are generally pretty similar and would result in them also 'exposing' themselves.

    You can always be sure that when people start calling names that they either have no understanding of the situation or they are trying to hide something themselves.

  11. well for those of us who do believe in god , its not based on blind faith , it is based on what we see around us , some one created this earth , and put breath in my body , can you understand that? and with the belief in god comes doing what god has asked us to do , be a light in this world of darkness .  is caring about after you leave this earth a cult thing , i think not . prayer has a ton of power , try it sometime . god doesn't want to see anyone die unnecessarily , he's given you his words in the bible it is the answer to the why? of every single question we have as humans  

  12. A cult and an ever bigger business.

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