
Do you think Christians are ill-suited for adaptability in our rapidly changing modern world?

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Do you think Christians are ill-suited for adaptability in our rapidly changing modern world?




  1. I think that if you look at Christians 100 years ago and compare them to Christians today you will discover that Christians are very adaptable to change.

  2. No. The Word of God is the same pst and present and future. It is wise to submit to the Word of God at all times

  3.   Not necessarily all Christians, but certainly the Fundies.

  4. I think atheist are more prone to Marxism and Communisms and christians are more prone to freedom

  5. The majority does not decide truth because truth is one way a majority is either way. The Truth is Jesus Christ himself so Christians will not adapt to modern hypocrasy When the modern world has ruined itself with immoderation and lustfulness Christians as they did when the Roman Empire fell will rise up the world anew with the doctrines of Christ. Thus Christianity will save the world.

  6. Not at all, I adapted to to Atheists years ago. I learned to ignore them. :)

  7. You have it backwards.

    It takes a strong sense of morals to keep yourself on a steady keel through fast moving times.  Sure many non-Christians have these morals, but it is much easier being a Christan.

    Peace be with you.

  8. Sure they will...the world will always need people with a conscience.

  9. I'm ready for anything, sweetie, except another Clinton in the White House.  We'll be here to clean up after the next bubble bursts.

  10. I'd say you're on the right track, but it's the Christian faith which is ill suited to provide adequate spiritual guidance in today's world.  This is not the first time this has happened throughout history.  The various forms of spiritual faiths and mythologies have undergone regular retooling throughout the ages as dictated by the needs of the day.

    Now Christians are once again faced with a dogma which does not fit and they'll have to re-invent their belief structure to fit with the newer scientific understandings of our world today.

  11. Yes, that's why there aren't any Christian TV networks, websites, etc. It's because we're scared of technology. In fact...hey what's this TV thingee with a typewritter I'm on..a computer???? ARRRRRRGHHH!  

  12. Yes, thank goodness.

    "The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable man persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man." -- George Bernard Shaw

  13. Atheists have been ill suited since the beginning of time.

  14. On the contrary, they know how to get ahead. Blind, unquestioning following is what you have to do sometimes in this modern world. It's not for me, but I can imagine situations where that kind of person is preferred to a thinking human being.

  15. No....

    As a Homo sapiens sapiens, I have the ability to adapt and evolve just like everyone else.

  16. I think we'll do just fine, I mean we've done a good job so far. Now, the real question is, how will you and people like you adapt to the fact that God is coming back, and probably sooner than everyone thinks? Or should I say, will you ever adapt?

  17. Christians aren't of this world..If we were the world would love us.

    This forum alone shows this.

  18. yes definitely...don't listen to the Christians who say that they are adapting because they obviously are that the world is becoming more modern, there are so much more issues the church cant agree with. The rise of so many things probably even beneficial to our human society have been shunned by the church, for what reason? because they say so... a lot of technological advances were considered...evil by the church and un-ethical. its not just the modern technology that hey can't adapt to, rather also the new societies being born. homosexual rights, new branches of religion, scientific facts etc. etc., we humans are just advancing into what we were meant to be, and if the Christians can't accept that, then i don't think they'll last too long. they have to make space for a lot of things because more and more will just keep coming up that they might not agree to, they have to adjust to society not the other way around. sooner or later they will be forced to comply with the society, or else the church is just going to die somewhere in history, only existing in historical records, as probably a form of mass hysteria. so yes, they are ill-suited, if they say NO to everything new, there wont be anything left to say YES to.

    hope i helped

  19. Cultural evolution has favored religion, it has not favored atheism. There must be a reason for that.

    However, religions have evolved to become more tolerant of science and the rational world, by that I mean the way people practice religions, and not the religions themselves.

    The exception for that is when religion is used as a tool for tribalism. But human beings are always going to be tribal and competitive.

    Religions, and particularly Christianity, are not going away anytime soon.

  20. No, Christians aren't all Amish

  21. Our world is all about change.  Why wouldn't any group adapt to the modern world unless they are amish.  Even the amish adapt.  

  22. I was born in 1962 so I've lived through many changes already. I can remember NOT having microwave ovens, compact discs, computers (personal), even color tv (my family didn't own one when I was growing up), and much more. I've survived all these changes so far, so I think I'll be just fine.

  23. No, thats silly.

  24. I don't think anyone is adequately suited for our rapidly changing modern world....

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