
Do you think Christians should fight for g**s' rights?

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As a member of Christianity, homosexuality is a sin. I will lay out the reasons for fighting g**s' rights, and for fighting against them.

Reasons TO:

- Although it is a sin, we're all sinners and we all have rights, so why separate an individual sin and restrict them from rights every other sinner receives?

- It would increase closeness to people of all orientation, allowing better communication of love of God and Christ

- We aren't in the authority to judge

Reasons to NOT:

- It IS a sin, so why fight for their rights when it would merely encourage the repetition of repeating that sin?

- Although it would allow better communication of the love of Jesus (because of increased tolerance atmosphere), how many of them are already Christian, how many of them would really care about Christianity, and how many of them would just walk away with their rights?

- We aren't in the authority to judge, but the Bible gives us knowledge to distinguish right from wrong.

What do you think? Add your own opinions...

Note: I apologize for any offensive content, and no offense was intentional. I am currently for g**s' rights, but near the borderline.




  1. Well, here's my 2 cents. I am a Christian and support g*y rights. I don't feel that I have the right to tell someone else who they can or cannot love. It is not my place to sit in judgment. I don't have a right to tell someone else how to live their life. I believe that being a good Christian means accepting/loving people for who they are. I can still love someone and not agree with their life choices.

  2. I am Catholic and a mother to a boy and girl and I am for g*y rights...I see no reason why g*y people could not live how they want yet murders and pedophiles can do whatever they want....g*y people don't bother anyone...yet murders, rapists and child molesters do....why don't you go and protest that?

  3. well im a Christian, and im not against g*y rights.

    its their life and they choose how they want to live it. if they want to get married, let them get married. they arent affecting my life...

  4. thats a big question with lots of opinions. as a "human" i love all people no matter what. i would love my kids if they turned g*y etc.. however on a christian level it is wrong for the simple fact that it is a sin. yes everyone sins everyday. BUT Jesus died for our sins. if you commit a sin you pray and ask for forgiveness and not do it again. when you are g*y you do not stop doing the sin. However, is being g*y a choice or something that is in your brain you are born with. i say as a christian you must fight the feeling and if you need to not be with anyone sexually then thats the way you can avoid sinning. just like any other sin, if you cheat on your spouse, you can be forgiven but cant keep going out and doing it again, as hard as it is to stop.  

  5. Listen dude. God said that a man is to have but one wife and not any other kind. You are to wait until your wedding night to give yourself away and have a happy life, and you should not divorce her unless she is unfaithful to you. I think that fighting for g*y rights is has sinful as being g*y, because as christians where are to help bring up our neighbor and how can we do that when we help them get married to the same gender.

  6. As a christian I fight for g*y rights because my God would never create someone and then condemn then to either a life without love, or h**l.  I just cant fathom that two single adults would go to h**l for falling in love and committing to life long monogamy with that person.

    And while yes, some people do make a choice about their life style, you cant control who you fall in love with.  I believe that g*y people are born g*y, and thats just all their is to it.  

    I didnt make a choice to be straight, I just am.  Why cant God make someone who is just g*y.

  7. Should, could and would are three totally different words.

    Should is what it would be nice to do.

    Could is what people are willing to do.

    Would is what they need to do.

    First my definition of a sin is any act that hurts another; including yourself or God.  You can extend it to animals and anything else.  Vegetarians certainly do.  I don’t mind that a cow has to die for my dinner, but I won’t hurt a dog.

    Jesus Christ is the loving God, the God of forgiveness and the God of acceptance.  To be accepted by Christ and God all you have to do is open your heart to him and believe in him.  This is what I was taught and this is what all Christians claim.

    - What Christians SHOULD do is support g*y people; you don’t have to become one or even like their life style that much, but they should be granted the same rights as any other couple.  As long as both of them are consenting, informed adults then they aren’t hurting anyone and being who you are and what you are is not a sin.  You can quote chapter and verse at me trying to prove that being g*y is a sin; but no where in the 10 Commandments does it say thou shall not have s*x with someone of your own s*x.

    God is the loving and forgiving God and if anyone need love and forgiveness more it is those who have sinned.  They need our pity, our understanding, our help and our forgiveness.  However, few Christians will agree with this; they will spite their own religion to hurt g*y people.  They will go against the word of God to carry out their prejudices.

    -  What Christians COULD do is live and let live.  Just because I don’t believe in God doesn’t mean you can’t.  Just because I don’t believe in God doesn’t mean you are wrong.  Just because I am straight doesn’t mean that g*y people are evil or sinful.  All it means is they are different.  At one point the Church preached that black people where slaves, quietly forgetting that Jesus was a man of color and not a white man.  The Kings James version of the bible bleached all the biblical figures and in the 21st century many people are having problems getting past that.

    -  What Christians WOULD do is to learn forgiveness, acceptance, and understanding; if Jesus Christ were alive today that is what he would say.  He would march in a g*y Pride Parade, he would wear a pink ribbon and he would care about the crisis in Darfur.  He was the ultimate in forgiveness; “If your brother strikes your check then turn the other one.”  If your brother is g*y and you are not then let him be, and as long as he doesn’t try to force it on you or anyone else he isn’t a sinner.

    I grew up in Alabama in the 1960s prejudice wasn’t in the society it was in the very air we breathed and the water we drank.  It was in ever aspect of society.  By the time I had joined the Army I only saw a handful of blacks, and only spoke to one.  Now I was working with them, commanding some of them and being ordered around by even more of them.  And you know what I found; blacks are just like whites in very many ways.  The black man is a whole lot angrier than the white man; but that is because of culture not a fault with the black race.  Do I like how they sometimes butcher the language?  No, but then I might be a redneck so I had better not complain too loudly.  Didn’t God say; “Judge not, least ye be judged.”?  Why is it so many atheists know more about their religion than most Christians do?

    The Cathars had it right; they believed that religion, Christianity, was an individual experience between the worshiper, the priest and God.  It was an intimate act that had nothing to do with how pretty you temples were, how high they grew or how rich they got.  Rome’s response to this dangerous threat was the Inquisition.  This is from the files of the Catholic Church and the Inquisition and when Pope Benedict opened those files he prayed for mankind’s forgiveness for the evils of the inquisition.

    Once I was lucky enough to have a friend who happened to be g*y.  Yes, he was a little weird, but that is what made him fun to be with.  He never came on to me, and truth to tell when he told me that I wasn’t his type I was relieved.  I am straight, and there has never been any question about that.  But, I am confident enough that I can allow other viewpoints.  When he meet a boy friend I was honestly happy for him.  When the two of them started kissing each other in front of our group, I told them to hold off on the public displays of affections.  It can be pretty nauseating when a couple sits there groping each other, no matter what their s*x is.  They knew that I was accepting them and I was showing my honest feelings.  He told me; “But this is the only place where we can do that.”  I felt sorry for him, but speaking for the rest of the straight people in the group we didn’t want our faces rubbed in it and he realized that.  I hope he felt that I was comfortable enough with him to risk telling him when I was uncomfortable with what he was doing and that it was not from some sense of prejudice.

    Now if you asked me 30 years ago what I thought about g*y people I would have some pretty harsh things to say, but then I would say the same about black people too.  Once I meet them, became friends with some and accepted them for who and what they were I had a whole lot less problems.

    Christians don’t accept g**s because the leaders of the church tell them not to.  These same leaders are corrupt people like Jimmy Baker and good people like Jerry Fawell so it is hard to separate what they say from where the message is coming from.  In most cases it is simple prejudice, hopefully the last prejudice we need to meet and beat.  

    I think that one reason why people fear and hate g*y people so much is because they are afraid that they might “catch it” from them.  Trust me that doesn’t happen.  Christians are afraid of me because I think, I say what I want and I am not afraid to say there is no God.  What really infuriates them is when I say, “hey I am open minded I could be wrong, you might be right; but I willing to bet I am right.”  New ideas have always been dangerous to religions and they do their most to repress them; hence the Dark Ages.

    New experiences are suppressed as well; which means drugs, g*y people and the freedom of speech.  I don’t support the first and I do support the other two.  I can honestly say I have never smoked a joint.  I don’t believe that doing drugs is a good idea, will help you in any way, or is a wise thing to do.  Once, before an operation, I was given a valium and I got high.  I started having wheel chair races with myself in my room.  If I had been out in public it is easy to see how I could have been a danger to myself and society as a whole.  Drugs are wrong, or at least the abuse of them are wrong.  I have chronic pain, depression and insomnia so I take a lot of prescribed medication and some of it is pretty strong.  I have been prescribed 400 mg of Hydrocodone and it doesn’t do a thing for me.  Most people are able to get high off of that much.  My insomnia is so tough that the doctor is thinking about prescribing me GHB, the date rape drug.  He has to run a sleep study first and he has to be careful because that drug can easily be abused; but those drugs exist for a reason and some people actually need them.  Trust me when a cancer patient press for their IV morphine drip they are not getting high, they are looking for pain relief alone.

    I wandered off topic a little here so let me sum it all up.

    Christians who follow and honestly believe in their religion would forgive g*y people and learn to accept them.  However, there are not many Christians who could do that; most of them are too afraid to do it. How brave are you?  Are you willing to let someone be different?  Are you willing to take the risk of allowing free thought, free speech and the freedom to be who and what you are?  Do you dare do that or will doing that some how destroy your life.  If it does then your life and your religion weren’t very strong in the first place.  That is the unspoken fear that g*y hating people have.  The fear that some how accepting g*y people will turn them g*y; is it because secretly they want to be g*y, is it because they just secretly want the freedom to be g*y or not, or is because being g*y is strange and new.

    What are your reasons, don’t tell them to me, I don’t want to get preached at.  I know more about Christianity and history than most Christians, not all there are quite a few people who are smarter than I am; I am open minded enough to admit that (doesn’t that just make your blood boil?).  You can’t prove a book is true by quoting that same book, if that is could be done then I would open the religion of d**k and Jane chasing spot (See spot.  See spot run.  Run spot run; do you remember your early English lessons?).

  8. I'm with both sides like you and I'm a Christian

  9. I almost decided not to answer this question, but I was drawn back to it several times and I am feeling led to put in my 2 cents worth.  I am a Christian.  I am also mom to a g*y son.  As with many social issues facing mankind (as well as the church), homosexuality and it's accompanying idea of "g*y rights" are not subjects that can always be discussed in terms of black and white.  All Christians are not the same by virtue of being unique individuals as well as in different places on our walk with God.  Being All One in Christ Jesus (Galatians 3:26-28) does not make us all of one mind and one voice in all subjects.  As humans, we bring on our faith journey a myriad of experiences, feelings, convictions, and beliefs.  I do not feel a particularly strong leading to be either a "fighter" for g*y rights nor a "fighter" against g*y rights.  The term "g*y rights" has different meanings to different people and it is simply impossible to get every person to agree on the same definition.  Ultimately, I think fighting for or against g*y rights serves little purpose.  Not even all homosexuals agree on what rights they are in need of.  Before my son came "out" to us, I thought I had a pretty firm set of beliefs about the "g*y issue".  But, when the previous face-less idea of homosexuality suddenly was now the face of my beloved son, I realized that I wasn't as willing to relegate an entire group of people to a specific box for just one part of who they were.  My son, as well as my 3 daughters are treasures, entrusted by God to my husband and I to love, encourage, support, and guide for as long as we are all on this earth.  I am not anywhere close to knowing why my son is g*y or if he was born that way or created that way or whether he should have the right to marry anyone he wants.  Life is like that.  You can go about your business thinking you know your beliefs than one day something happens and all of a sudden you are living a life of confusion and second guessing what you thought you knew.  For me, it helps to focus on what I do know.    What I do know is that Jesus gave us what is often called The Great Commandment to love God with all our heart, mind and soul.  The second greatest commandment is to love our neighbor as ourselves.  (Matthew 22:37-39).  Some things, like these great commandments never change, but other things seem to confuse and divide us both as Christians and as humans.  I think when we are faced with these divisive issues that God would rather we didn't choose sides, but rather pray, study, listen, and be open-minded (which contrary to some is not an oxymoron - open-minded Christians can and do exist) while focusing on loving God and our neighbors.  The world contains an overwhelming number of incidences where humans are treated unequally in the most basic of human needs.  I know there are many parts to the idea of "g*y rights", but I think that the right for homosexuals to marry each other pales significantly in comparison to the rights of women not to be considered a man's property, the rights of children to grow up in their homes and not be taken or sold to serve in the s*x trade, or the rights of drought ravaged areas to be immune from political interference with food drop-offs so starving people can eat.

  10. Im a christian and Im 15 so my view could just be from growing up when g**s started to come out more. I feel that they should be able to have same rights as straigh couples. I have nothing against them. It IS a sin yes but its their lives and im not going to bad mouth them. I respect them for atleast having the courage to come out.

  11. No. Definitely not. Why fight for something that is obviously wrong? Its not normal. Its certainly not healthy. (AIDS) Fighting for g*y's rights would be like saying its okay and its not. Don't send the wrong message.

  12. Religion teaches hate, you are full of hate.

  13. Perhaps not encourage it, but definitely mind their own business! We are not superior to anyone and people need to understand that and let others feel and believe as they will.

  14. actually to the girl above me who told christians to reread the Bible since it said its not wrong.  It actually it.  God said for a man to not lie down with another man as he would with a woman.

    it is wrong, i dont believe we should fight for their rights

    keep in mind i have friends who happen to be g*y and I love them and I wouldn't trade them for anyone else in the world!  we're all sinners

    but with that being said, you cant say hey i sin, so who cares right ill just keep on sinning, we have to do our best not to.  its like stealing, God says it wrong and that would be like us saying hey who cares lets steal anyways

    Im not trying to be offensive to any homosexuals, but I believe what the Bible says and it says that the ACT of homosexuality is wrong and I will teach my children that and will believe that marriage is between man and a woman

    to make this clear cause its important, homosexuals are NOT any different than heterosexuals.  theyre not disqusting or wrong but teh act of homosexuality is wrong and thats why idont believe in fighting for homosexuality rights

    sorry if i offended anyone, but thats what i believe


  15. People that claim to be Christians and then turn around and treat others badly becuase of their sexual orientation are complete hypocrites. We would not have to have special laws to protect homosexuals if people were not so bigoted and close-minded!

  16. no

    I think Christians need to re-read the Bible and realize that homosexuality is actually not a sin.  It was something else.  

    No, it doesn't CLEARLY state it.  Many people interpret it much different.  It's your choice what it says to you.

    jgirlsvn - you have no room to talk.  You had a baby at 16 out of wedlock.

    lani2blue - That is one version of the Bible, it doesn't say the same thing in KJV.  And how you interpret "Homosexual OFFENDERS" is up to you.  I take it as: homosexuals who have (for example) raped someone.

  17. Yes, I firmly believe that you should fight for g*y rights. The Catechism of the Catholic Church states that being g*y is NOT a choice. For something to be a sin, the person must fully know what they are doing is wrong AND freely choose to do it. Since being g*y is not a choice, and it is not wrong to be the way God made me, being g*y is not a sin.

    We are people too.

    If you're "for g*y rights", why are you saying that it's a sin and supporting g*y rights should not be condoned?

    And by the way, the Bible verses that say homosexuality is a sin are NOT accurate! It is a mistranslation from translating the Bible from Greek to Latin and back and to English! It SHOULD read "prostitute".

  18. You're right...we do all sin and we all do have rights.  But the "right" to steal is non-existent because you're punished for it if caught.  The "right" to not honor your parents is there but discouraged and punished.  The "right" to "not love your neighbor" is there...but is also discouraged by people thinking you're a jerk.  And the "right" to lie isn't something that is fought for...I could go on and on.  We ARE all full of sin, but our responsibility as Christian's is to try to rid our lives of that sin...which supporting "g*y rights" wouldn't fulfill.  

    I hasten to add, too, that the current 'g*y rights' debate isn't about basic human rights, which we all have.  It's about allowing their immoral sexual behavior (which is stated as wrong in the Bible) to be rewarded with the right of marriage (which is defined as a union between a man and a woman).

    And to Josephine, the Bible clearly states homosexuality to be a sin, grouped in the verse with adulterers, idolaters and prostitutes.   It states without question that they will not inherit the Kingdom of God (heaven)...and that it is evil.  1 Corinthians 6:9-11: Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders 10nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

    If anyone has questions regarding this topic you can refer to the website I have pasted below.  Christians worry about 'fairness' and 'we all have sin'...that site covers those concerns thoroughly.

    P.S. Hate the sin...NOT the sinner, because we are all sinners.  I've had g*y friends (in the last town I lived in) that I loved like any other friend...they did know I didn't 'approve' of their lifestyle, based on the Bible, but I didn't judge them (God's job) and I didn't talk down to them about it.  If they asked how I felt I told them in a loving, not my job to judge you, way.

  19. I think you should "fight" for what you believe is right regardless of religion.

    Just a suggestion, but next time wouldn't this have done better under Family & Relationships or Society & Culture?

    EDIT: Well, in that case, carry on!

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