
Do you think Danica Patrick is a hot headed poor loser?

by  |  earlier

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It doesn't matter to me weather someone is male or female, or who wins, I just like to see people who play sports to be nice weather they win or lose.




  1. She's a mediocre racer , the only reason we talk about her is because she's a beautiful girl in a male dominated sport.

  2. definetely

  3. Yup! Nuff said

  4. Yes.

  5. Not on Milka and Briscoe incident.

    Indy 500 (in the video), Briscoe went out a little wide and Danica did try to avoid her but there's a wall on her right side. Briscoe suppose to stay close to the pit (when driving out) to give way on oncoming cars. It's like regualr driving, when a car is getting on the highway has to yield on oncoming cars (or there's like a little service road whe a car gets on) that are already on the highway.

    On Milka, definitely Milka Duno's wrong here. You have to watch the video of the practice lap where it all started. Milka driving 6 seconds slower blocked Danica 2-3 times. Danica backed off because she was way too slow but she caught up with Milka again and she got blocked again and she backed off. When she finally got the chance to pass Milka went inside and almost made contact with Danica's car. Milka supposed to give way because she's way off the pace. She was really slow. After the practice, Danica was calm when she asked  her("did you see me?") instead she got physical and threw a towel twice on her face.

    Milka shouldn't be driving in Indycar she's way too slow and pose danger to other drivers especially on ovals. She has to go to Indy Lights before jumping into IndyCar. Having 4 masters degree in engineering doesn't mean you can just jump into IndyCar racing. Ana Beatriz is much better driver than Milka Duno.

    if not for her country's oil company citgo (her sponsor), Milka wouldn't get a ride.

  6. Patrick does NOT act any different that any other male driver in similar circumstances.

    Famous racing hotheads:




    and countless NASCRAP drivers.

    At least Patrick doesn't stand at the side of the track shaking her fist or throwing her helmet at other cars.

    But because she's a woman, the get a bunch of morons like many posting above, focusing on that.

  7. No, I think she is a race car driver. They all want to win. She was wronged 3 times by that Duno girl.

  8. No, I think she is a passionate racer.

    If she was a male racer you would say she was aggressive.

  9. I think, as I have said B-4, she is just so full of herself.  You know it takes a lot of guts to do what she does & I give her credit for that, but I guess she isn't happy with just show-casing her talent.  She has to throw her girly-temper tantrums & act like she's the only racer out there.  I wish she would slide over to Nascar & race w/the big boys & see how long her little antics would last on an oval w/them. She's such a "drama Queen", it's laughable.

  10. I can tell you she's not making much friends on the track!

    lets see there's Wheldon, Briscoe and now Duno. Who's next?!

  11. yes i think so....she's a brat and she needs to be put in her place....

  12. .

    Yes, and an attention seeking idiot.

    EDIT:GROMIT - YOU are the only "MORON" who "FOCUSED" and made reference to male and female gender...if you read the answers you will see only Breezy mentioned that she is a woman.


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