
Do you think Darfur should be considered as a Genocide?

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The US have already declared it a genocide, but the UN haven't

What do you think?




  1. Isn't Darfur a region? Can you declare a region genocide? Are you even making any sense?  Do you smoke drugs? "I declare New Orleans Genocide!"  love ya

    In fairness, I think you meant to ask "Do you think the events occurring in Darfur....or  Do you think what is happening in Darfur...."

  2. Genocide is the deliberate and systematic destruction of an ethnic, racial, religious or national group

    The War in Darfur is a military conflict in the Darfur region of western Sudan.  The current lines of conflict are seen to be ethnic and tribal, rather than religious.

    The United Nations (UN) estimates that the conflict has left as many as 200,000 dead from violence and disease.[5] Most non-governmental organizations use 200,000 to more than 400,000; the latter is a figure from the Coalition for International Justice that has since been cited by the UN. Sudan's government claims that more than 9,000 people have been killed, although this figure is seen as a gross underestimate.

    The Sudanese government has suppressed information by jailing and killing witnesses since 2004 and tampered with evidence such as mass graves to eliminate their forensic values. In addition, by obstructing and arresting journalists, the Sudanese government has been able to obscure much of what has gone on.

    The United Nations agreed that mass murders of civilians have been committed by the Janjaweed, but not genocide.

    When the death toll ranges from 200,000 - 450,000 with millions displaced, most of these certain tribes targeted by the Sudanese government. When the government is directly targeting certain tribes that they insist on destroying, how is that not genocide?

    Several nations, groups, respectable people, and other organizations have declared Darfur a genocide. I dont understand why the UN will only go as far as calling it a mass murder.

  3. YES

  4. Darfur is a genocide and the UN is quiet about it because the UN became the playground of the Muslim terrorist states.

  5. yes, and exactly why aren't we doing anything about that. The least that we can do is make sure that everyone has a gun and ammo.

  6. The reason the United Nations has done the bare minimum about Darfur is because they do not have an official definition for genocide. Numerous resolutions have been brought up to the United Nations for voting about a defintion, but unfortunatly none of them have passed. Since no nations can agree on a definition, there is no way to declare the situation in Darfur a genocide. If they could agree on a defintion then the UN could take away Sudan's right of national sovreignty, then the United Nations could go in and stop the conflicts. It is just one of the many flaws that the United Nations has.

  7. if you think that is a genocide, why don't you call what is taking place in Gaza a genocide??????????????????????????????

    They are in a cage and you expect them to act peaceful.....Most are, but there is a breaking point...

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