
Do you think Darnell is scared to leave the BB house because ...?

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actually the bb house is the first place he has ever felt comfortable in ,in his whole life , a place where his face did fit , i don;t do sympathy but this guy has been maybe the most loyal genuine Hm that BB has ever seen

does anyone think the same as me ??




  1. he talks allot of sense and notices alot about housemates that others don't! hes the only one who has stood up to kat...andi respect him for that! lol...i don't think hes afraid to leave because hes comfortable there tho. i think hes paranoid to leave because of what people think of my opinion i think he went on BB to be accepted... now if he had been up for eviction a few times...and stayed, then he knew that most of the public liked him... but seen as he hasn't been put up that much... he has no idea what reception he will have when he leaves, i think he would rather be hated by housemates and accepted by the public than the other way around. and now he has hit the bottom and doesn't know what to think and is scared to leave because hes afraid of what we will think xx

  2. Yeah i do agree. This is the first time people have accepted him for who he is, he feels like they are his family as he dosent have anyone to go back to in the outside world and everyone else does. But on the over hand i do also think that all he cares about is the money.

  3. I fully understand his pain and anguish but that does not give him carte blanche to be a bully. Stick up for yourself , by all means but manners maketh man.

    I reckon he scared of how the public he meets will treat him since his time in the house.

    I'd be quite scared of him !

  4. i think hes just feeling really low, cos he knows he has blown his chances of winning, thanks to rex 'egging him on to be nasty to sarah

  5. Yep I think you could be right Bexy.  I've liked him since the beginning and my opinion hasn't changed.......I'd be quite happy if he won.

  6. He's wondering why nothing good ever happens to him - that's what he said in the diary room - nothing good ever happens to him b/c he has no idea who he is yet - he has no idea what he wants from life!!

    He's confused about everything b/c he's self obsessed!  -- so sorry bex but i don't agree he's been either loyal or genuine..

    I think he's being influenced a lot by Rex and tried to copy his bullying tactics and now needs to get the public back on side -- so i don't see him as genuine at all        :  )

    I agree with ' little'

  7. I don't think so bex...he is not happy there just like he has not been happy anywhere.

    He's happy right now though because Sara has been all over him tonight.

  8. I don't watch BB

  9. when he first came in i liked him, ! but over the weeks he has turned into something i won't say on here, he is no more than a bully in the playground picking on all the girls, like he said himself it doesn't matter who it is but some one is getting the sharpe end of his tongue. rex has not helped him at all nor mo they have let him be that way, thats why he has no friends on the outside who would want to talk to someone like that not me thats for sure, but i think the reason why he doesn't want to leave the house is he knows what he has done wrong? and he will have to face the public at some point if not davina then the papers not everyone has had a good life but we don't go round picking on whoever we want to, alex got chucked out for less so why is he still there ????? thumbs down me if you want !! i just can't understand why everyone wants a bully to win??? what is that teaching our kids when there watching the show its alright to treat peeps that way NO ITS NOT get him out  

  10. Your gonna get loads of people telling you how much they hate Darnell now.

  11. no he needs councelling and guidence . life is life your not responsible for it , its just the way it is . you take it as it comes and he cant do that but he needs to. His face wont fit anywhere cos he wont let it and I dont think he is genuine. Did you see him in the diary room trying to cry oh please that was about as genuine as a chocolate fireguard.

  12. Bex he's scared to leave for the same reason he's scared to leave the pool.. without a pillow

    dr bad

    because he's always got a hard on

  13. he should be scared lol he gonna have a beating from loads for speaking to sarah like that

  14. who cares?

    only mindless bores watch that program.

  15. yes that's because its like being in prison.he knows nothing about the out side world and gets all his food for Free but has made loads of mates and has to live by BB rules.

  16. i'd be happy if he won, i agree with you  

  17. I think hes scared cuz he knows his game has f*cked up big time. and he will be hated watch him be the darnel he was at the start of the game as its the final week

  18. Yes...

  19. i really hate Big Brother! and who the h**l is Darnell!  

  20. I commend him for standing up to dennis in spit gate but he was awful to sarah abd no matter how he feels he should not have called her abusive names

  21. Oh Bex I am so glad you think like this as I feel so so sorry for Darnell and want him to win to give him the boost he so desperately needs - not wants - needs.  He hasn't tried to be anything he isn't and desperately wants to be accepted because of his albinism.  I think Sara helped him a lot when she told him she sees 'Darnell' and not a guy with albinism as Darnell thinks that is only what people see when they look at him and not his personality.  I wish people would look to the reasons behind his behaviour before condemining him.  Yes he is paranoid but he has reasons to be so.  Fingers crossed he comes out a winner.

  22. Sadly Darnell is emotionally stunted. The reason he was so nasty to Sara is because he really liked her but she led him on then made a fool of him.It was the only way he knew to get back at her.

    Darnell is a nice person deep down I'm sure & I think being in the big brother house has taught him a lot. Hope he wins.

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