
Do you think Deal or No Deal was fixed tonight?

by  |  earlier

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I mean that lady seemed really really confident about which case had the million dollars. She also knew what the other top cases were... hmmm... any thoughts?




  1. psychic maybe?

  2. There is a possibility that it was. I was glued to my TV in awe because she kept saying exactly what was going to be in certain cases. I think she did that five times and it was amazing. My first initial thought when the announcer kept alluding to the fact that she was going to win the million...was they better not be hyping this and have her lose it with her last pick. Thats what happened last Monday and I was so ticked off...haha...its  a freakin' game show! But still.....there have been cases in the past where games shows have been anything is possible....I hope its not because I really like Deal or No Deal......

    Either way, it was awesome that she was able to win the money to give her and her family a little nest egg (after taxes, thats what its going to amount too)

  3. Maybe she was high.

  4. Without a doubt it was "fixed", the pacing of the early part of the show was much faster then usual,  and i am sure ( but i have no proof) that the viewership was sagging a bit because nobody was winning , that was why they did so many million dollar madnesses challenges last year, and amazingly the first show of the new season somebody ..pregnant, and so "like-able" was the million dollar winner...come on folks lets not be naive, but if you want to still believe in santa clause, the easter bunny and American idol is chosen by the fans ( ie taylor hicks???) then i have a few bridges to sell you.

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