
Do you think Dennis Archer could improve Michigan, like he did Detroit before Kwame messed it up again?

by  |  earlier

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Hold on people! I can't beleve what I'm hearing, Archer was the one who brought in the casinos, and other profitable resources to Detroit! I believe you people have him mixed up with Coleman young!




  1. I think the 1st 2 posters confused Archer with Kwame or just have no idea what they are talking about.

    Archer was great for Detroit and the region.  He was the one that got the new stadiums, casinos, fixed Greektown, cleaned up the police, and city corruption.  Its a shame that the very next mayor wrecked everything that took years to fix.  

    He would be great where ever he wanted to be.  I think he just wanted to retire and get away from all the problems though.  Cant argue with that either.

    I also don't think that Archer could get reelected in Detroit.  He would be viewed as a sellout for working with the suburbs to solve problems instead of just crying racism.  Detroiters seem to use that solution for every problem.

  2. Dennis Archer did not improve Detroit, I hope he does not come back into office.

  3. Dennis Archer did not improve Detroit, he was to busy chasing women or do you not remember that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The casino project was set in place by Coleman Young, not Archer.  It just so happened that it started coming together a little more during his administration.  The suburbanites need to mind their own business and stay on the other side of 8 mile as Coleman Young use to say (yes I no longer live in Detroit, I am one of those suburbanites).  I have no one confused Archer was only riding on Youngs coattail and everyone forgot who actually started Detroit moving back in the right direction.

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