
Do you think......(Easy ten points)?

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Do you think that stressing over a possible pregnancy for 2 or 3 days can cause major stress, which then causes a late period?




  1. Yes. Thinking too much / worrying about a possible pregnancy aftre s*x is likely to cause a delayed periods.

  2. I don't think so. But you may be pregnant then...

  3. Yes. I have had a few pregnancy scares, and every time i stop stressing over it my period comes!

  4. Yes I do.  If you keep thinking that you might be pregnant, your body will act as if you're pregnant. IDK, your brain controls a lot.

  5. It doesn't even have to cause major stress. If you're worried about being pregnant, your period could very easily be late. It's happened to me multiple times- and I knew there was no way I could be pregnant.

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