
Do you think Edge should have an Emmy award nomination after his incredible promos the man has had lately? ?

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Top 5 promo guys in WWE




  1. He deserves it. Then he can carry it with him to the ring along with his belt whenever he gets that back. He also deserves a teen choice awards as well. That would be something to brag about.

  2. The Emmy won't happen, but that one with Vickie in the ring last week was priceless. He truly looked psycho, and yes, he is one of the best promo men the WWE has right now---though that's not necessarily saying much.

    Top 5 promo guys right now would be Edge, Triple H, Jericho, Orton, and ...umm....maybe JBL, I guess.

  3. You can summerslam live for free at

    They have a high quality live stream that is free!!!

  4. There are few people in the history where you might rush home or at least turn on to see in the WWE  one was Hogan, austin and the Rock and I believe Edge might be close to them right now.

    He is the best that that the WWE have going right now.

  5. trying 2 be joker but good

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