
Do you think English should be the official language of the US? ?

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Do you think English should be the official language of the US? ?




  1. OMG!  English most definitely should remain the official language of the USA. America has always been English. It was founded on English and should forever stay that way. Anyone that cannot speak English should learn it or go back to their native country and language. There is an old adage, "When in Rome, you do as the Romans do!"  I would never go to another country and expect them to speak my language, never!  

  2. whatever is most used should be the official language

  3. Yes i do.

  4. yes and i think it is very irritating that spanish speaking people, or any foreigner who comes in the U.S illegally and expects us to know what they are saying is totally wrong. people need to go back to their home land, if they are not a U.S citizen because they are just making a America more screwed up then it was before. YES english please :)

  5. No, I like the way it is. We don't need an official language. Everyone in the U.S. already know that English is the  "de facto" language.

  6. I don't think it's necessary...everyone knows English is the common language in the U.S.

    Even if it was made the official language, that wouldn't change's not like it would force everyone to learn English.

  7. yes

  8. No. Did you know that if English was the official language of the U.S., public hospitals would not be allowed to hire translators to help the doctors communicate with non-English speakers? It's pretty hard to treat a patient who you can't communicate with. Non-English speakers would basically just be "SOL" if they needed medical treatment

  9. No, soon it will be almost all spanish. Why not just go ahead and simplify things and do away with the english language. It will soon be an out of date language in the U.S. Prepare yourself to learn spanish. As Laura pa says ,you are in America now,,speak  Spanish.

  10. Yes I think it should because English was like the main language till there were a lot of Mexican people that moved here who speak Spanish and now basically everyone here speaks Spanish! Haha. But yeah I think it should be.

  11. no. it's a waste of time. we will all still speak english and it gives the Democrats another thing to spend our money on. a class to teach foreigners. and how do you inforce this stupid rule anyway? do you think the mexicans are going to be at home saying, "darn, now i have to learn english or i won't get that job cutting grass."

  12. You're in America now, speak Spanish!  

  13. Absolutely.  I don't run off to other countries expecting them to know my language.

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