
Do you think EuroRail Global Passes are a good choice for unlimited travel?

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What do you think about Eurorail Global Passes? I saw this sight here is the link.




  1. The EuRail or as often called  EuroRail pass is a marketing strategy to get more money out of tourists. It is valid for people living outside Europe. The Interrail-Pass, valid for Europeans only, is much cheaper to get, because the Europeans are used to compare the prices and find out their best method of travel. The most long distance express trains require a supplement to be paid, which is not included in the EuRail pass. So you have to stand at counters to get the supplement tickets anyhow, why not to get special offer tickets for half of the price then.

    I think the EuRail pass is a relic of old times, where the dollar value compared to the Euro was twice is high as today, and rich Americans did not bother about travel costs.

  2. The only way to decide which way to go for travel is to compare ALL options.  If you are set on travelling by train, then do so, but the hop on, hop off aspect of the Eurrail really no longer exists.  there are seats to reserve, and supplements to pay, and if you don't pay them in advance (and you have to know) then you'll just get put off the train at the next station, and have to wait there until there's another train.  

    Once you figure out all the extras, you can compare apples to apples, and figure out exactly where you want to go and how much it will cost if you buy individual tickets, and then you can decide if that's more or less than using the pass.  

    Things just ain't the way they used to be.

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