
Do you think Flavor Flav is handsome or hot?

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I personally think he looks like diarrhea with corn in it... the corn would be his ugly grill. the diarrhea is just his entire face. I dont know how anyone could kiss him :X. (but i do love his show)




  1. no hes fugly but the show is great

    he just needs to get the fact that hes ugly and nobody wants him

  2. Okay that's just mean! But I cant stop laughing at your description. He is quite ugly, but always seem to be sweet to the ladies on the show. Your description reminds me of a character on my kids game Conquers Bad Fur

  3. h**l-to-da-naw....he's fugly. however love the show

  4. can you say horrible? he could fit in well in the movie return from the dead and needs no make up, I like the show too, but I would rather kiss a dragon.and his mouth is a striking point for a serious electrocution.

  5. flavor flav is not hot or handsome i dont see how anyone can like him!

  6. I do love the show  but I could not kiss him...

    I think they should have a new show with him to follow him and his fiancee thoughout the planning of there wedding... Well see how this one works out.

    I think this is the chic he was messing with when he was with delicious and that's why they broke up.  

  7. eww!! no! he is so ugly and old

  8. Ewww no! He's disgusting.

    I like your description btw :-)

  9. Honestly he is a really ugly person..he looks like a bat!!! but what makes him cute is his personality :D

  10. There are lots of beautiful and ugly people in the world, but l think what defines them is their behavior towards people. With all things considered, Flav may not be the hottest thing on the block with his looks but he treated those girls more classy than they themselves deserved. You know why? Even though he was "ugly", those girls attitude and behavior, made him look "too good" for them.

  11. eeewwwww ur description made me sick

  12. YUUUUUUUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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