
Do you think Foreign Ruggers playing in the Heineken Cup are influential?

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Do you think Foreign Ruggers playing in the Heineken Cup are influential?




  1. Yes of course.

    Last year Munster won with a foregin player in my opinion as man of the match ; Trevor Halsted.

    The previous year Touluse won with the aid of Trevor Brennan, Gareth Thomas and tha Maka brothers all no french players.

    Somoan Trevor Leota was a key member of the Wasps team who won in 2004.

    etc, etc

    Other notable foreigners in heineken cup include, former Munster captain and Australian Jim Williams, Leinsters Argentinian out half Felipe Contepomi, his many compatriots playing in the french league the most notbale being the strong Stade Francais contingent including Pichot, current castres captain and former All-Black Kees Meeuws and many others too ntable to mention.

    Of course there are others such as Christian Cullen who have not had such a postive influence

  2. foreign players can have influence in the heineken cup but most of the southern hemisphere players that come to europe are coming to the end of their careers so usually are less effective

    foreign players from within the 6 nations can have more of an impact.... i think irelands cullen and jennings have played very well for leicester, the whole sale team has been changed by the french arrival and italian players have played very well in the premiership and heineken cup

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