
Do you think Forks, Washington is going to get alot more people vacationing there now?

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because of the twilight series? i mean i can see myself wanting to live in a small town because of that book, and i looked up the scenery at Forks, soooooooooooooo pretty!!! its amazing, and steph totally described it perfectly lol. but i was wondering they might be getting alot more vacationers there and stuff.




  1. Yes i read an article about it the other day.

    It said the person working at the Forks visitor office or something, said that when teenagers come to visit, he immediatly asks whether they are searching for edward or jacob, and that most people answer and know what hes talking about xD

  2. Ya i think they already do have a lot more vacationers, I've read some articles about it

  3. I think a lot more people will want to go on holiday there but as for people moving there i don't know.

    I think people will like the idea of living there but most of the time ideas and reality are not viable and i think the age of the book reader is about 14-16 and i don't think a family would move there just because the child in the family says so but yeah i think more people might holiday there.

  4. yeah they're getting a bunch of people

    they even have a twilight tour you can go on and they have marked places all of the town with twilight relations. for example they have a parking spot in the hospital marked "dr. cullen"  and there is a bed and breakfast that has been said to be the cullens house and a small house that is said to be the swan residence.

    i want to go there so bad!

  5. Yup. I have said so many times. Rab

  6. unfortunately, probably.  Why did Smeyer pick forks in the first place?

  7. Actually, it already does get more vacationers there. It's totally cashing out on Twilight.

    I agree with SirenSong. Beaches in Washington aren't nearly as nice beaches in other states.

  8. absolutly.

    im planning on going. NO NOT BECAUSE IM HOPING TO MEET EDWARD lmao! come on now!

    but the place is truly beautiful!

    and if ur an outdoorsy type of person , your gonna love it

    deff one day will go.

  9. yeah..on the forks website (yeah, they actually made a forks websie!..since twilight gained it so much popularity)

    anyway, on their website they said they were getting alot of visitors just there because of twilight

  10. You know that most teenage girls will want to go there, hoping that they will meet Edward!

  11. Forks is located in the far northwest corner of Washington.  It was primarily a logging town but has been on the skids for the past 10-15 years.  This is a very wet part of the state.  Forks likely does not have more than 50-75 sunny to partly sunny days per year.  Much of the surrounding forest has been clear cut and is now regrowing.  There is not much in the way of accommodation for vacationers.  

    Forks is very isolated.  Hoquium and Aberdeen are about three hours south while Port Angeles is about the same east.  In my considered opinion it will be a long time before Forks climbs out of its current doldrums and becomes a destination resort area.    

  12. Probably. But having visited there often (I was raised in that area and still have family nearby), they will be sorely disappointed because the actual town is nothing at all like it is described in the book. That was one of my peeves with the story, that the author obviously never visited there before writing about it.

    To the poster above, the beaches there are disappointing. They may be pretty to some people but the water is ice cold year round and the tides everywhere in Washington are very violent. So don't go expecting a nice calm warm sandy beach like you'd find in Oregon or California.

  13. OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG, its a real place!!!! i thought it was made up!!!! the excitement explains itself!!! im so glad its real!!!! maybe when im older holidaying in america i would drop in there and be like omg that could be the cullen house!!! i think a couple of thousand miles might be a bit far to move for a book though. i'd definetly think house prices there would've gone up though, for those serious twi-harders x x x x x cool!!! lolololol

  14. I'm sure they did, but I think it's died down a little now since her last book wasn't loved as well as the others - but I'm sure people came during all of the filming and what not to see the different props and stuff

  15. OMG! i just looked at the beach there. its gorgeous! i'd go, if plane tickets weren't outrageous!

  16. The tourists went up 30%, and the age range is 18 year olds to 30 year old women.

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