
Do you think Geneva is a good place to live ?

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Socially and Financially ?




  1. Financially, It's a very good place. Although everything here's expensive the average salary is around 5'000 USD. I can tell you I don't have any friends who are poor. Anybody can get a computer or a car if wanted.

    But socially... You asked if Geneva is a good place to live right? As a young man I can tell you Geneva is a good place to LEAVE. Most of people here ain't socially open-minded. For example : If you greet or talk to someone you don't know there's chances you won't get any sign of friendliness (such as a simple smile). Although it's (one of) the best city in Switzerland it's quite boring for the youth.

    Hope it helps


  2. It's a great place to live but it is indeed expensive. Food and taxes and stuff are ok and mostly in line with the national average when compared to other large cities, but housing is a bit ridiculous.

  3. Socially it's for sure the number one town in Switzerland - some call it even "little Paris" since you'll find no other Swiss town where so many different ethnic groups are represented.

    Financially it's horror - it's the most expensive town in Switzerland! Bear in mind that many international organizations (such as the Red Cross) don't pay any taxes. This has consequences onto the living costs for the rest of the inhabitants.

  4. I wouldn't change Geneva for any other Swiss city. It's by far the best place to live in Switzerland. There are many interesting places to visit as well as a great variety of cultural events and entertainment. It's definitely very expensive, yet you can still find decent accommodation on the outskirts such as Les Paquis, Meyrin, Carouge, Versoix - to mention only a few - in relatively low prices. An average flat rent may range from 800 CHF (1 room) to ....5,000 CHF or...more (4 rooms) monthly, depending on the area and the building or complex. However, in some areas such as the ones mentioned above you can still find a good flat of 4 rooms with 2000 CHF monthly

    Once you find a flat , you must prove that you are legally staying in Switzerland for an extended period of time. This can be done by making copies of your Swiss Carte de Legitimation (if you are a Swiss resident) or a copy of your contract and a letter from you employer (sometimes referred to as an attestation). Swiss rental agencies, called regies, will also want to see your passport as well as copies of recent bank statements. Also note that flats are usually rented unfurnished. So, you must provide the furniture including kitchen equipment.

    Also bear in mind that there are no tolls on using the highways in Switzerland, but each year you must purchase a 40-franc road tax disk (like a license tag), which authorizes you to drive on the highways. Public transport, though, is very efficient and quite inexpensive.

    Eating out is quite expensive although in Geneva you will find cute little bistros at reasonable prices not to mention a variety of fast food outlets which are very cheap.

    All in all , living in Geneva - considering you're not a Swiss resident , will cost you approximately about  5000 CHF monthly - including rent, food and beverage, taxes and transport.

    Hope this helps.  

  5. Geneva is a nice city, and financially it's a well off, but expensive. Socially you might want to go elsewhere. Many places in Geneva aren't open that late, and there aren't as many things to do there. In my opinion, Zurich is a better place to live because socially there are more things to do, and they have a better nightlife. It's a financial center also, but of course, the most expensive place in Switzerland.

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