
Do you think George Bush has effectively handled the Terrorism issue? ?

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Why or why not?




  1. Yes and no...even though the Muslim extremists have dwindled and are desperate enough to kill themselves....the Borders to the south remain vulnerable. Because of the fear of upsetting Mexico he basically refuses to lock down the border.

    I also think that there have been terror attacks on U.S. soil since 9-11...there have been at least 12 attacks by Muslims that proclaimed a Jihad and followed the extremist way...the problem is they don't recognize them as attacks because they are not affiliated with any known group...but yet when the same happens in other's considered as an  attack by extremists.

  2. Yes.

    Look at the countries where we stopped the spread of Islamic terrorism:




    Saudi Arabia



    The Balkans

    The fact of the matter is that our success in the War On Terror have been ignored by the news media.  During the Clinton years Islamic terrorism was spreading to new countries every year.

    After Bush took office the spread of Islamic terrorism has not only been stopped - it has been reversed.

  3. I don't think he has hurt it. I know people like to blame him for everything, but he never works alone. We have better control of terrorism now than we did on 9-11. That's saying a lot. Terrorists are being noticed and picked up for questioning, or removed from society.

    The thing is the terrorists continue to grow in number. They are shrewd and they don't mind dying for their cause. We are often naive and innocent, and we don't look out for trouble as much as we could. I'm not sure anyone knows exactly how to effectively handle all terrorism. I believe we have gotten much more educated though as to just who and what the enemy is.

    This question should start some interesting discussion. Good one!  

  4. I think he had increased  it even more...

  5. He has yet to confront the countries that supported the terrorists that attacked us on 9/11, in fact, he calls some of them allies. Although, I do have to say he did a heck of a job at beating up on one of the cheerleaders.

  6. LOL! Remember why American soldiers went to Afghanistan? I do.

  7. no.  he hustled the bin laden family out of the united states directly following 9/11.  to me this is suspicious behavior.  

    his assault in the mid-east has been misdirected, which allowed any fringe radical threat to grow in the background, even while they laugh & mock us.  

    pissing off the rest of the world can't be very effective in the long run.  we're running out of allies who are happy to stick up for us and are still making more enemies.  


    to his credit (?) we have not had a publicized international incident on US soil.  does that mean we're safe at home ?  not necessarily

  8. Yes, the word terrorism and acts of terrorism are now known in parts of the world that didn't have it before. I think he was effective in that.

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