
Do you think George and d**k actually were looking for a reason to not attend the Rep's Convention?

by Guest10899  |  earlier

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Do you think the Gustav Storm has given them a great opportunity?




  1. Yes.  Absolutely.  They believe their being there would hurt McCain & Palin as their policies are quite unpopular at the present time.  And you know what?  They're probably right!

    The hurricane provided them a perfect excuse & they jumped on it.

  2. i think the convention was lookin for a  reason to exclude them

  3. I think it is in McCain's best interest for them not to be there. He is trying to distance himself from the failed policies (90% of which he supported) of that administration.

    BTW-Do you know where McCain was when Katrina hit?

  4. No.

  5. Can you blame them? Their own party hates them.

    With good reason: They costed their own party the election before the elections even began!

  6. Dude! If those guys showed up, people would get hurt by default! Really, I hope McCain doesn't want them there and just wants to state his case. That would be very sweet closure to a dying campaign.

  7. Nope

  8. I think it is why they created the hurricane.  

  9. Yup - I think it's a copout

  10. While the storm is obviously very bad news for anyone in it's path it was an incredible stroke of luck for the Repubs.  Now they have a perfectly good excuse not to have the current administration making them look bad at the convention.

  11. Yes.  In fact, just like Katrina, GWB has steered Gustav toward New Orleans, where has weakened the levee system.

  12. h**l yeah.

    McCain is trying to put a little distance between him and them anyway.

    The storm keeps them busy, and it gives FEMA an opportunity to salvage it's reputation.

    This might even make Bush look good.

  13. Since they are responsible for the mess we're in, I think McCain is relieved (maybe even ecstatic) that they aren't coming.

  14. No, I think McCain and his staff were looking for a reason for G & D not to attend. Can you imagine the smattering of applause they would get after their horrible two terms.

  15. No ... I think McCain was looking for a reason to UnInvite them.   To distance himself from them.  

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