
Do you think Georgia has nuclear weapons???

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They were once part of the Soviet Union which claimed to have 16,000 weapons and close to 6,000 active warheads...

Russia is reported to have them all now but don't you think georgia might have gotten ahold of a few? is so do you think they might use them now that russia and georgia are on the brink of all out war??




  1. I was wondering is Israel has them?....not sure about Georgia

  2. I think Georgia would keep around a hundred just for the heck of it, just in case.

  3. Probably, I would assume icbm's maybe the sapwood ss-6 variety. less than ten.

  4. Are you kidding? Russia isn't that stupid or careless to leave any.

    The nuclear attack isn't possible there anyway:it'd blow the half  of Georgia along South Ossetia.

  5. I thought Russia reclaimed all of them in the 1990s.

  6. I think Georgia bated Russia into the war. I wouldn't do that to someone bigger than me unless I had something to back up my play plan with. Perhaps it was the US, not nuclear weapons. But Bush is hiding out at the Olympics. What would be happening if he was forced to say more that "stop it guys, please"? The CIA is all over Georgia. If nukes come anywhere near this conflict, pressure will build on Iran to halt its program. I say that none of it makes sense unless Georgia has nukes. But then maybe it all just doesn't make any sense. But I loved watching Putin and Bush sitting by each other in Beijing watching to Olympics where everyone comes together for peace for a few weeks as this war started. That was priceless. You also have to look at the price of oil slipping. Every time it slips, something happens to drive it back up. There is a major pipeline running through the region. Last time it was a fuel spill that shut down the Mississippi.  

  7. Georgia does not possess Nuclear weapons, or even it it did does not possess the technological ability to deliver them.

    Moscow is too far away for any of Georgia's MiG-25s to strike, and Georgia certainly does not possess Long-range ballistic missiles.

    Georgia is not going to Nuke Moscow.  

  8. we'll know within the next 2-3 days

  9. Who knows? Anyone could have one or more of those suitcase nukes that came up missing back in what, 1997?

  10. It is possible. People who claim russia took back all the nukes doesn't know what they're talking about. When the USSR fell, every break away republic kept their weapons. Only some volunteered to give them back to Russia....and that was for some good money.

    Nations like Ukraine have sold their nukes to 3rd part countries like Iran. So it is conceivable that Georgia still has some warheads, but unlikely they have "delivery systems." Who needs delivery though...just nuke the Russian front line.

  11. No they don't.

  12. Mr man asked about Israel, the U.S. sold them many nuclear weapons, so yes they have them. Georgia, could also have suitcase bombs, but no one knows for sure!

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