
Do you think Ghost Hunters is staged?

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Ever seen the show Ghost hunters on Sci Fi? Do you think they stage some of the sound evidence/ video evidence? Is it real? Or are they just not careful when they are recording this stuff.




  1. I love that show... and have often wondered the same thing.

    Initially they went in to "debunk" the hauntings... but now more and more they go to places that are notoriously "haunted" with the obvious hope of catching the "spirit activity" on film. So while I believed them in the beginning... I think the fame and popularity of the show has changed their direction, and quite possibly has led them to stage certain moments, for ratings.

  2. Havent you ever seen it? They focus on common misconseptions. They are there to debunk what can be explained.

    But the the best part is what cant be explained.

  3. I think its mostly real,  but maybe every now and then they add a few exciting things that are fake, so its not so boring to watch... ALos, the episode of the Queen Mary they said was staged, I thought it was real lol..

    But I know on Most Haunted the producers said they let  Darrick Accorian leave the show because he was a total fake and made things up too.. So you never know anymore ....

  4. I would like to believe the show is ok, but only thing that gets me how they plan get all the info the people they investigate in one night where the Place has had reports that span years, and they try to debunk or prove it in a single evening is sort of lame. Now if they investigated a place for say a week straight then maybe there would be more info. That is if theres no Hollywood in the works

  5. No, I don't think they are staged, they seem like honest dudes, and if anything are a bit skeptical.

  6. I don't think it's staged as in fabricated evidence. I do think that the presentation for ratings is somewhat over stated. In other words they may not exhaust all possible normal explanations first. I agree with a previous answer that in a perfect world investigations would be longer and would add also include some experimental testing not just observations. However, the reality of a budget and show ratings would make this difficult.

  7. Well, the skeptics on here should be happy! lol...seems like the believers have some "skepticism" in them too.Maybe not all believers are as gullible as the skeptics think they are.Maybe some of them use discernment. Since the believers are open to "Not ALL seemingly paranormal things are true"..maybe the skeptics could try to be a little more open to "Maybe SOME of these paranormal experiences ARE true!"

  8. Yes and No.

    They use suggestible people in suggestive environments and record the reactions. I have no doubt the reactions are real. But they are from imagined events.

  9. I've met Jason and Grant, they're pretty straight up. Been to their buis in Warwick, etc. The haunts and the goings on are real alright, not staged, however there is often alot of "boo!" factor going on. They also have a radio show, thats aired on one of our main radio stations 630 WPRO Saturdays at 7PM EST. There is streaming onn the site too!

       They dont fib, its as real as anything, I suggested once using me because I have channeling abilties--they said they didnt want to go there lol.

  10. I believe the show is like Pro wrestling.The outcome is pre-determined.It is the Science FICTION channel you know.

  11. No... They're one of the few groups out there that actually tell the truth. Alot of groups out there are all about the 'orbs' and they debunk them. We think Most Haunted is staged though. That is way to fake. Just our opinion. Our group does the same as Ghost Hunters; scientific level. Anway, we believe they're 100% authentic.

  12. your question is a fair one .And yes there are times that the stuff you see on tv does seem staged I know the gentleman you refer to and I can tell you they are very genuine yes they have to play for the cameras it is tv for christ sakes they have to contend with sci fi and the ratings but they are sincere in the people they help they don't hold a candle to the group on the travel channel now that group is as phony as zeldas corner palm reading store I cannot speak for every group out there but I can tell you that every peice of evidence our team gathers is closley scrutinized all of our evps are sent to a crime lab back east for analysis we take what we do very seriously I can tell you that for the most part ghost hunters show is real but they do have cameras to contend with

  13. no its real, but with a television twist. They at least dont go in thinking somethings haunted. And they dont fabricate evidence. In answer to other people, the EVPs do show up on video as well as audio. its obvious some people dont watch the show enough. Like everything else, you have to be there yourself, because no amount of pics or EVPs will convince anyone of anything unless they experience it themselves.

    In answer to others, they show many episodes including new season shows where they find nothing wrong.

  14. This is really difficult to say.  The first season, I really believed it was real.  They had a lot of shows where they found nothing and were willing to air a show that had no findings. Recently,  however, every show it seems they've found something that can't be explained.

    The show that put me over the edge was the Sharon Tate / Jay Sebring show.  Yes, I believe in ghosts and yes, they were murdered tragically and could possibly have "energy" trapped here.  However, they were actually communicating to Jay Sebring.  He was able to make their gadget (sorry don't remember it's name since I'd never heard of it before) flash for answers to questions.

    What are the chances of TAPS actually being able to luck into capturing this on the one night of their investigation.  Being able to confirm that it was Jay Sebring and that Sharon Tate was in the house?  

    Sorry, as much as I want to believe, this episode had hoax written all over it.

  15. I have no doubt that these guys are true believers and are not out trying to defraud anyone.  I also believe they have a lot invested in the existence of ghosts.  If ghosts do not exist then they have wasted tens of thousands of dollars and thousands of man hours creeping around in the dark, so they have a vested interest--if only subconscious--in the idea of ghosts.

    That being said, they appear to make at least a cursory attempt to provide a natural explanation for events.  However, you have to keep in mind that the majority of their methods are unproved and unscientific.  For example, the whole idea of EVPs is complete nonsense.  There is absolutely no reason to believe EVPs are spiritual voices.  Same thing with cold spots.

    Consider that if you eliminate the EVPs and cold spots there has been absolutely zero evidence offered up by that show that hauntings are really happening.

  16. Nope.  I believe spirits are real.  I've seen some pretty impressive stuff on there.

    Audio stuff (EVPs) is easy enough - I get them all the time when recording.  The EVPs they got last week were very impressive - even answered a question.  

    I love that show.  :)

  17. I love all the free publicity Roto Rooter gets on the show .. no wonder they give the guys freedom ... lol

    Oh, and I believe the show is real ...

  18. I believe it's real, even when they go to places sometimes they find no evidence. I love that show!!!

  19. Noooo, ghosts are

    BTW, why is it that the EVPs only show up on their hand held tape recorders, but not on the sound recordings of the video tapes?

  20. It is a TV show, I'm sure that they punch it up a bit.  They don't have any disclaimer saying that its not fake.

  21. Can't answer for them...

    I've come across some situations myself that were unexplainable.  I believe that if a trauma or high stress is about and a person dies, the energy from their soul can elect to 'walk' on earth.  This electrical 'cell' or 'orb' as some call it (when recorded) can come about when specific criteria (physics principles) are met.  It's almost like when the atmosphere is in a perfect 'state', it is a moment in time that can be captured like a camera, and a 'snapshot' of a person's electrical energy is able to be visually or physically perceived.

    I'm certain most of the items are a bit over-dramatized, acted, or staged to some degree.  But these type phenomena do occur naturally most times without persons witnessing the events.  Just take it with a grain of salt and understand that it is (to the producers) firstly entertainment.

    101207  2:21

  22. At least they aren't like Most Haunted!! I watch that one when I need a good laugh.

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