
Do you think God created Lilith before Eve, or do you think it's a myth?

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Do you think God created Lilith before Eve, or do you think it's a myth?




  1. The name Lilith does not appear in the Bible.

    The Hebrew word lilit (which refers to a screeching bird) appears one time at Isaiah 34:14. If the meaning here is symbolic (rather than meaning a literal screeching bird) then it is possibly a reference to Liliyu a minor Mesopotamian wind demon.

    The main source of the story of Adam having a wife named Lilith comes vague references in the Talmud. That places the date (of a few parts of the story) at the earliest, after 200 AD/CE.

    Elaboration of the story is in the Kabbalah, which dates after 1000 AD/CE.


  3. The entire Bible is a myth!

  4. The whole first part of genesis is mythology.  And anyone who doesn't get that, has to go take a few mythology courses.

  5. God created Adam and Eve. That's all that's in my Bible. And God does exist, Atheist. You would be better off professing Jesus Christ as your Savior, or face everlasting h**l and damnation. My Oppinion!

  6. ^ said it first

  7. Extra-biblical folklore, - that's all.

  8. Nope.

    Can't find Lilith in any translation.

  9. I believe that Lillith and Eve are myths. God didn't create humans!!! He started the process of evolution and let nature take its course.

  10. I think Eve, Adam, Lilith,and God are all myths

  11. I think it is a myth. But I do believe he created Adam and Eve.

  12. Yep everyone else pretty much said it all... i belive in god, but the bible is bull sh*t.

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