
Do you think God has any flaws?

by Guest33222  |  earlier

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he created humans in his image and we are full of them. So, do you think he may have some flaws?




  1. Which god?  There are thousands of gods.

  2. Yes. Why?

    If we were created in his image, he would have to have a belly button, thus, having been created himself. Also, if we are all made in God's image, then what gender is God?

  3. He has gotten angry at us and have sent many plagues onto us, such as the 7 plagues of Egypt, When he flooded the earth, etc, however he is the most perfect being in existence  

  4. god created humans perfect, just like he is. And now that we are flawed, his flaw is not having any flaws, he didn't change with us. So we are out of touch. Either he makes us flawless again or he incorporates some flaws into himself.  

  5. No God does not have any flaws. The greatest gift he ever gave mankind was free will. With that we are separated from the other animals. We don't live on instinct alone. We have the will to make choices, right or wrong. And its in that where the flaws of man come into it. It was our decision to eat from the Tree of Knowledge in the Garden of Eden that became our first fault. And its been our decisions ever after that have continued to show the faults of man.

  6. I believe he doesnt have any flaws. He created people perfectly and they brought on all their troubles theirselves.

  7. an imaginary being cannot have flaws

  8. In Genesis 6:5-7, God considers destroying all the humans and all the animals.

    Well, if He looked at his creation and was pleased, then why later on does God feel the need to destroy it?

    You mean to tell me, He didn't see this coming, His displeasure with the human race?

    That seems to conflict with being the "alpha and the omega".

    But wait, upon seeing good 'ol Noah, God has "second thoughts" about destroying everything, and saves Noah and his family and two of every animal.  

    However, the rest of mankind and the innocent kittens and puppies are left to drown in the deluge.

    Therefore, to be in doubt about an initial creation (something that in Chapter One He said was good) and then wanting to destroy it, sounds to me like a flaw in confidence and planning.

    In my opinion.

  9. No; the nature of God is all giving all loving; its essence would not have flaws.

  10. No God is perfect... But because God gave man-kind free will man-kind have created their own flawed............ And its easier to blame God then for man-kind to admit they messed up a great thing because of their own bad choices......................

  11. There is only one thing the God of the Bible cannot do: he cannot make any mistakes of any kind. Man chose to rebel out of an expression of his own will; man's sin does not reflect negatively on the perfect God who made man perfect!

  12. If you beleive in god. Then no. God should not have any flaws. Because simply he is this being which created us and this world so flawlessly. look at the air you breath. if it had one more molecule of any other chemical off the chart we would not be able to brethe it. also if it had one less the same would apply. and yet we breathe everyday not thinking where it all came from. and he also created plants and trees which take our CO2 and recycle them. This world we live in is perfect in every way. ( except ones which we have altered).

    For those who beleive in teh big bang theory. Thats just stupid. if i blow up a tree will it become a couch?  

  13. Interesting that you asked this in Mythology and not R&S now isn't it? ;-)

  14. I dont believe in god, however, I can answer this from a philosophical point of view.

    Assuming god created man in his image, does not mean he neccessarily created man in his nature.   They are two different items.

  15.   no he has no flaws.humans were without flaws too,perfect if you will,until adam and eve sinned.

  16. No, God has no flaws. Every one else does, but not god.

    "only god is good"

  17. If God is in fact a superiority of our image, then define flaw. God did not create us in his image God is not a person, God is an energy that lives among nature and everything that is in the universe, it does not have qualities of a human being and only follows logic, therefore it is impossible for God to have any flaws, because having a flaw would mean that God is not a supernatural force, God makes decisions like computers make decisions, that is true or false, with true being the decision that drives existence and false being the decision that ends existence, therefore Gods only flaw would be that God does not create and destroys instead. Consider that the goal of a human being is to survive, then the only flaw of man is not being able to survive, the same goes for God. God intended and created the Universe to survive and expand, if it does not survive and expand, then the flaw of logical creation dies and God has a flaw.

  18. Wow, from what i saw i thought you weren't going to get many helpful answers.

    On to my answer, I believe that God has no flaws of any kind, and that he chose to give us free will to test us to see if we are worthy to enter heaven.

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