
Do you think God is going to use autistic children in a special way?

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I just watched on the news of an autistic child especially gifted to control traffic.

It reminded me of a prophetic word that God is going to use autistic children.

Do you think that autistic children have a hidden gift in them that we need to seek out?




  1. we are all special in God' eyes we were all put here and we all have purpose , what's yours!

  2. First of all, let me tell you a little about myself.  I am LDS.  Shorty after I joined the Church, a couple with whom I became very close, told me a story about their time in Texas.  When peopel are ready, they are given a special blessing, called a Patriarchal Blessing.  It is like your own personal scipture about what God plans for the life of that individual.  They relayed this story to me when I was preparing to get mine.

    They became very close to a young woman whose husband died in a flash fire and explosion (he was a firefighter, I think).  This woman and her husband had a child with Autism.  He missed his daddy terribly, so he attached to the husband, their Boy Scout Troop leader.  When it came time for his Patriarchal Blessing, the mother and the couple with whom I am friends, went to see the Patriarch with the young man.  The kids who grow up in the Curch usually are ready for this in their early teens.  In the Blessng, the Patriarch told the young man that he was one of the coicest children of God.  In fact, he was one of the Spirits who threw Satan out of Heaven.  The Patriarch told him that he was not given that body as a punishment, but as a reward.  He told him that our time on Earth is meant for us to learn what we need to know to return to Heavenly Father.  He told him that he had nothing to learn because he was an angel.  He told him that those like him are also Angels.  The only reasons they needed to come to this Earth were: 1.  To receive a physical body to house the Spirit; and, 2.  To teach the people around them lessons such as patience, understanding, unconditional love, and courage to stand up for what is right.

    I realize that you may not believe what I do, but, even if I did not join the Church, I would have been moved by that story.

  3. Sometimes, I see it as God using the things that the world calls foolish to confound the wise.  I know God has used my son in our church a couple of times significantly -- to open the eyes of our congregation that God loves the different too and that God calls everyone to make a decision for Him.  My son is asking questions right now about God and Jesus.  He's 6 but he is a smart kid.  He was a big baby, so my dreams for him were linebacker or ball player.  God took my dreams for my son and have expanded them.  I dream now that my son will be able to live a Godly life, that he will be a witness through his 'disability' and that maybe, one day, God will use him to preach His word.  That would be fantastic.

    No, his gift is not public speaking (quite the opposite actually,) but I'm not going to limit what God is going to do through him.

  4. everyone  has a special gift God gave them. This includes both autistic and non-autistic people.

  5. I believe everyone has hidden gifts, not just the autistic.  My little sister is autistic, and she is brilliant, but I wouldn't go to say that she is brilliant BECAUSE she is autistic.   More like she is brilliant AND autistic.  Get what I mean?

    And to those who blame things like vaccinations, etc, for autism....there is no viable medical support for these theories.  Actually, these have been shown to be false for a long time now.  Yes, there is an increase in the DIAGNOSIS of autism, but that doesn't mean that we have an "epidemic" caused by outside sources.  It simply means more kids who wouldn't have been diagnosed in the past now are.

  6. Yea if you believe the poisoning of our environments (meaning the air/vaccinations/foods) which leads to autism is good, then go ahead.  I think God would love them more than making them human traffic lights.

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