
Do you think Gordon Brown is being cruel to the Royal Family by saying he could save billions if..............

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................he took them off benefits ?




  1. Yep, but they bring in more than they take (proven fact), so it doesn't matter. And remember, 80% in favour of Monarchy! Go live somewhere else, republicans!

  2. My understanding is that you Brits tried this once. On 7 February 1649, the office of King was formally abolished after long disputes about the money that King Charles I was spending.

    It didn't work out then.


    What is the point of having a monarchy if they live like you and me?

  3. didn't know he said that...but i don't blame him...people like that Camilla woman should not be living a life of luxury at our expense...what a joke that is!!

  4. No, he is being realistic.

  5. No not at all. He hasn't mentioned them by name but I think most of us see he must mean them.

    Biggest bunch of scroungers in the country wit MP's coming a close second.

  6. I didn't know he said that but if he did, good for him!

    Let them go out and do proper jobs instead of sponging - better still, just get rid of them altogether!

  7. At least they didn't sell off half the nation's gold reserves for next to nothing. He should be tried and brought to justice for giving away our treasures.

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