
Do you think Gossip Girl is appropriate for young teenage viewers?

by Guest56322  |  earlier

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Do you think Gossip Girl is appropriate for young teenage viewers?




  1. They wonder Why there is such a high rate of teenage pregnancy but every channel you turn to has some type of soft p**n.

    Even in the dang on commercials.

    That show should not be for young girls.

  2. Okay am a young teen viewer and I LOVE that show! It is my favorite! The commericals are alot more inappropriate than the actual show. The show is really great, and there is only like 1 inappropriate part in each episode.

    What about soap operas you call those appropriate and what about all those other shows on TV. They are alot worse than Gossip Girl. My friends mom loves the show to and makes me daughter watch it and they both love it! And gossip girl has nothing to do with teen pregnancy!! It is the media and celebs that are causing that! So yes, I think gossip Girl is appropriate for anyone over 12. It isn't like they don't know how children are made or anything, we all hear it at school ayways!

  3. i think the media is changing and almost every show teens watch have 2 deal with atleast one of the subjects such as drugs and s*x. I think its entertaining 4 kids 2 watch because they can escape from their own drama and get into some1 elses. But young teens are bound 2 learn about all of this sometime or another and I think if they are of age and enjoy the show and their parents give permission, they can watch.

  4. No it goes way over the line! And people wonder what is wrong with our teens well maybe they should make some of this show targeted at our teens more on the teenage level and not the adult level they get enough of the c**p from school, just my opinion!

  5. I think it depends on the teenager's parents. If their parent(s) has no qualms about them watching the show, then it shouldn't be anybody else's business whether they watch it or not.

    As a young teenager who was a fan of the show before it switched from Wednesdays to Mondays, I think it's fine. It's not that much different than the O.C. or One Tree Hill and the books handled a lot of the same subjects(drugs, s*x, drinking).  

  6. I do not think it approiate... But if they put it on kids will watch it.. and it doesnt help that it's on at 8pm... When I was younger melrose place and other shows like that were on at 10pm.. so kids should be in bed by then.

  7. No

  8. I can not stress this enough:


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