
Do you think Great Britain is going to embarrass itself at the 2012 Olympics?

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I think we can all agree that the Beijing Olympics were pretty spectacular. Do you think we can compete with that, or are we just going to embarrass ourselves?

GB just had it's best Olympics in 100 years, can we perform in London? Or will we curl up under the pressure?




  1. Wasn't spectacular at all.

    How many events that anyone gives a toss about did they win?

    Who actually watches cycling, swimming or sailing?


    The only medal on the track was won by a drug cheat.

    Wake up 'team GB'. You're not all that.

  2. I think they'd better start stockpiling whatever the Chinese used to disperse the rainclouds at the opening and closing ceremonies!

  3. Tthe most spectacular thing about the Beijing olymics was the fireworks and they were done on computer, so shouldnt be that hard to beat.

    The team im confident with home support will be even better

  4. i think so

  5. no,i dont think so,i think they will do well

  6. I think we'll do all right at the events, if the stadiums are ready.

    But I can't see how our transport structure can possibly cope, so I think we will be badly embarrassed

  7. GB will go OK, in hosting and competing - you have to give Boris the Mayor headline billing he is such a funny man, just having him there would be half the fun..

  8. embarrass herself like what the communist gov in china has done to china?

    no one on earth would do that except the liar communist.

    you should be embarrass your self your country when your gov lied to the world. it is not something any moral correct mine person would call "spectacular"!

  9. yep agreed....

    unfortunately, we're not good enough

  10. Great Britain will do fine. Each country places their culture into the ceremonies. It is fun to watch that country's culture reflected into the opening/closing ceremonies. I find each one is different but great in its own right. We seem to get a mini lesson just by watching it. So there is no way for one to out do the other. In my opinion there is no such thing. You enjoy it like you do fine art. Each different but spectacular in its own way. Look at if from that point of view and you will always enjoy each Olympics and look forward to each Olympics with great excitement.

    As far as competing, each person has to be exceptionally good just to be able to be there and compete. So each deserves a medal for getting that far. That means they are all winners from the beginning.

  11. I think it will be a very difficult job to better beijing, I don't think they will be able to do it, in fact I think the whole olympics will be embarrassed by beijing, how can we even compete with the opening and closing ceremonies?? You know in london will just be a red double decker bus driving round with some young girls dancing in the middle haha! But as for the medal side, I think there will be events we may be able to better ourselves in, like boxing think we could get a few more golds in london, but then you have to rely in the same success in other areas, but will they be able to repeat themselves.

  12. The poms will do it and do it well. They look useless until their backs are against the wall then they fire up and do great things. (An Aussie)

  13. Hope not, its the Olympics, i hope the Brits keep nothing back and strive to do their best. Competition and comparison are great as long as they are constructive. I really hope to be thrilled again in 4 years time.  

  14. Yes...a self fulfilling prophecy

  15. Of course, Its currently a social fo-par to be nationalistic and yet everyone marvelled at the combined contribution of an entire country in Beijing. Ours will be a politically correct garden fete in comparison.

  16. The olympics is not all about the opening ceremony or the show it puts up. I think as long as the athletes are happy as they compete and competing in fairness, I don't think Britain will be embarrass.

    Despite China putting up a good show, there is so much controversy involved, from the gymnastics to its human rights down to its politics. I mean what's up with all that? I don't wish to see it happen in london and that is what is truly important.

  17. To be honest i have no idea! I was thinking every ones like 'yeah I'm gonna start training realllyyy hard for 2012' but i think to be honest that we are not gonna do as well. Hopefully we will but i think we are putting loads of pressure on the athletes now after they have just had an amazing olympics at beijing. Especially Rebbecca adlington and gorgeous Tom Daley♥.

    As well, i really don't think we can pull off an opening ceremony as good as China's. We don't have as much money or talent as them. Im hoping 2012 will be amazing, but we will see :D ♥

  18. I think that we're all so pessimistic.

    Why can't we have faith in England? I think we're going to do fine if we keep away from all those cringeworthy celebrities like DB.

    Sure, it may not live up to the performances above it, but it will still be spectacular in its own way so be proud that we even get a chance like this.  

  19. Wow. I'm a bit surprised by the negative responses. I think that London will be fine. In fact, I'm going to try to take the family to the City for the Games come 2012. While the Beijing ceremonies were great, four years from now they'll be a fading memory. If places like Athens, Atlanta, Barcelona, Beijing,  Los Angeles, and Sydney can pull it off, London can as well.

    Looking forward to it.

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