
Do you think HBK is underrated lately???

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I keep hearing..."he needs to retire..." "he's old" "he's lost his touch"...

I CANT BELIEVE i am hearing these things in the past year or so...

I think Shawn hasn't lost anything. I think he's shining like a star. Last night for example...HES SO INTENSE and PASSIONATE. He hasn't lost anything! I adore the man. He's my fave wrestler of all time.

so what do you think...has he been a bit underrated lately? or do you really feel he isn't the same hbk we all knew and loved? and if you say hes not the same...please explain why...




  1. Well if he is permantley injured. Then Yes. But i want him to whoop Y2J butt at Unforgiven. Everybody likes Shawn Michaels.

  2. Very underrated by the fans lately.

    In my opinion, he still deliver the best matches. His matches with jericho, c'mon they are 5stars matches. And he can still do amazing things, moonsaults every now and then.

    I do not think he should retire!

  3. I love HBK and think he is one of the best wrestlers of all time. But...WWE can only invest so much money into a person that is continually getting injured. He may not even wrestle at Unforgiven now because of an injury he may have had last night while attacking Lance Cade. I think it is about time he retires and let his legacy live on without these blemishes.

  4. I don't see where you're coming from.

    I still hear from hundreds of fans still chanting, "HBK is the best in WWE" and "HBK is wrestling better than most of younger people in all of Professional Wrestling". HBK is not underrated in any sense of the word.

    In my personal opinion, I think fans tend to overrate him and his wrestling skill.

    **Thumbs down from HBK fans. Keep it coming....

  5. I too hasn't lost a thing! He does what he does SO well nobody should be able to question his wrestling abilities!

    The only way he _might_ be experiencing any lack of performances in the ring is if he really is injured!

    "H A W K E Y E!"

    Vincent Reagan

    S A N  D I E G O C H A R G E R S S U P E R B O W L B o u n d!



  6. No,as much as I love HBK,I have to admit he has lost it lately.He's being beaten way too easily in matches against opponets HBK could easily beat with no trouble.He looks tired and worn down,and he hasnt had a match since summerslam,which Im guessing means he has some nagging injury that needs to be healed.If you watch the videos when HBK first came back,youll see how energetic he is,now he seems like he's just walking through the match.I love HBK with all my heart,but he shouldnt be losing this's a disgrace to his legacy.He's too good for that.He's not the same HBK,anyone who watched his career can tell you that.He just seems like he's lost his passion for it.

  7. i know man its not fair

    he has been underrated

  8. I haf 2 agree wif u man.. i tot he would b in d championship scramble.. but guess not. dey shud make space for 2 mor in d scramble so tat michals n y2j can b in it 2 settle their rivalry n b in d hunt at d same tym

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