
Do you think HILLARY & BILL have had "AN UNDERSTANDING" from the begining??"?

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I think that they looked at their marriage as only a stepping stone (also a kid to look like a typical american family) to other things. THESE KIND OF PEOPLE DON'T THINK LIKE average PEOPLE DO.




  1. Why not?

    With "Till death do us part"

    What the point of getting married then?

    What do you think?

  2. I have always believed conspiracy theories.

  3. They have been together for a long time.  I have read their books about how they met, etc., and I think they really love each other.  Anyway, what should it matter to you if they have AN UNDERSTANDING or not.  It is their marriage.

  4. I'm not going to disagree with you. I am going to say that Bill and Hillary didn't invent the power marraige.

  5. I have enough problems managing my own life,,,,Why should I give a rats @ss about Bill & Hillary. I"m certain they don't care about mine!

  6. I definitely think that they have always had an understanding, especially after his incident with Monica Lewinsky while he was President.  Hillary told him that she would stand by him and in return he would help her run for the Senate and then for the Presidency.  Bill Clinton has made millions since he was the President.  Hillary was always the one pulling the strings and calling the shots.

  7. Yes, that they would take their political careers as far as it would take them.  I agree that their brand of thinking is far beyond average.  What a partnership.

  8. I think you hit the nail on the head.  Of course it was a marriage of convenience.  The only way Hildabeast could get in the White House was on the coat tails of a man.  Some feminist she turned out to be.  Wasn't she the one that said she was not some "stand by your man Tammy Wynette"?  Didn't she stand by her man long enough to get on the ballot????

  9. Evidently not, I am sure there was no understanding made before the Monica Lewinsky thing.  These are two odd characters, funny how Bill writes a memoir of his life...yes a memoir of his life, a memoir of his entire life from the person who can't remember a thing under oath...go figure.

  10. Yes, their understanding is to conquer and divide.  So that they can have as much power as possible.

    Their 'marriage' is simply a wreck.

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