
Do you think HIV positive immigrants be allowed into the country?

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Because it's one step closer to happening. What are you're thoughts?

* I know this has nothing to do with GWS but I'm really curious to see what people think of the issue *




  1. I certainly don't think being HIV positive is good reason to keep people out.

    In fact, I think it's clear and obvious discrimination.  It's the only disease that has been the subject of an anti-immigration policy, and it's considerably harder to get than many other diseases which people can immigrate with easily.

    I wish we could stop blaming people for their HIV positive condition.  Nobody deserves this disease, and nobody should have to suffer the stigma that has been attached to it.

  2. Can't say i'm thrilled to have them immigrate, but at the same time, I wouldn't stop them, that kind of discrimination has lead to awful things in the past.

  3. Nope.

  4. Only if they are from third world nations and need medical assistance.

  5. No.

    However, people of childbearing age and those who are able to have s*x, or at near or of age need to be more responsible, to stop unplanned pregnancies and to stop the spread of disease. It's called protection. Then there would be no overpopulation, no need for abortions (except if the female was raped) no one suffering from vd, ect.

  6. As long as they are legal.  If we didn't allow them in why don't we just ship HIV positive citizens out?  That sounds pretty ridiculous right?  Same logic.

  7. It doesn't surprise me that HIV positive immigrants are being allowed into the U.S.  We have such lax immigration enforcement here.  So many illegal aliens are demanding and receiving amnesty. We may as well have an open border if we aren't going to deport people who sneak into this country.

  8. I think immigration should stop all together- there are no jobs for the people already here, let alone newcomers.  The melting pot is full- to the people wanting in here- find a new host country.

  9. As a public health issue, only if they understand what they can and can not do.   Some men believe if you have s*x with a virgin it can cure you- so many children in Africa are being raped and are getting HIV.  

    As a health care cost issue, only if they can cover their own meds and other costs.  We have HIV+ citizens we can not cover health needs.   It can cost up to $240,000 to cover the meds to keep the HIV virus suppressed.      Sorry but until citizens have universal health care their countries can cover it.

  10. I dont think illegal immigrants should be allowed in AT ALLL!!

  11. The whole HIV thing scares me enough.I wish we would close off our borders.More for political and tax reasons than anything...I agree we as American's are finding it harder and harder to find jobs.If they are going to come into the country and pay taxes and LEARN to speak English.Not abuse the system and live as we do.I guess i am on both sides.

  12. When it comes to immigration to western nations, there is often a condition that you do not suffer from certain conditions.  Many immigration forms ask if you are HIV positive when you try and enter certain countries.  this is because many countries have been left with the burden of caring for people who enter a free health-care nation with such a disease with the intention of never leaving.  

    Communicable diseases endanger the population, and allowing people in with them is a big risk.  All western nations have cases of HIV positive immigrants spreading the disease deliberately in the population: there was one in Victoria, Australia recently, and he infected quite a few people.  He was successfully charged with attempted murder and other charges.  Another in Perth was also jailed this week.

    I know it sounds non-PC, but it is common sense to protect populations against diseases

    When caught out for overstaying visas, they then claim that they cannot be deported for health reasons.  This happens in the UK, continental EU, Australia, New Zealand, the US, Canada, Singapore, Japan, and the US.

    When it comes to permanent immigration, the same rules also apply.  As non-PC as it sounds, certain immigrants bring expensive medical problems with them.  Two examples of over-burdened systems I am familiar with (The NHS in the UK and Medicare in Australia) are already overburdened, and are taxpayer funded.  Many of these immigrants cannot ever contribute tax funds to aid their own health care, so our governments say.

    Unlike many other diseases, and despite what the g*y lobby claims, many HIV positive immigrants engaged in risky behavious to contract the disease.  Sure they might not have wanted the disease, but they knew the risks of unprotected s*x..  

    To the above answer (Shiprah), it is not about blaming people, it is about accepting responsibility: I go out and have unprotected s*x, I am taking a risk, and I am to blame, due to my foolishness, should I contract an STD.  There is also the fear, well enough founded, that HIV positive people are more likely to engage in unprotected sexual behaviours.  This is not PC, but discrimination is not always evil either: it sometimes serves to protect the majority, and sometimes the feelings of entitlement that many of us feel make us forget that.  It is not by any means the only disease that is discriminated against when it comes to immigration.

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