
Do you think He Kexin should be allowed to keep her medal even though she may be "underage"?

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Should He Kexin, the Chinese gymnast, be able to get away from this?

What do you think should be done?




  1. i think the chinese gymnast should be stripped of their medals,

    and then the chinese gymnasts should be banned from the 2012 olympics and put on probation for the 2016 ones.

  2. I agree with miss 6. Rules are rules!  If she was caught using steroids she would have them taken away right?  IF you knowingly break a rule then you should accept the consequences.

  3. Give her another gold as a bonus...if she is younger then she kicked butt big time...

  4. Would you want to fight a youngster that just kicked your butt over a lousy medal? I mean really! You just got defeated by someone younger than you and you're gonna yell "no fair!! they cheated!! Whaaaaa!"

  5. If she's underage her medal WILL be taken away... but I personally think she should keep it. She did earn it.  

  6. Of course, She EARNED it, didn't she? Stop whining, Americans!

  7. I mean if she is underaged then she would of course be stripped of her gold medals. Same with the rest of the Chinese gymnastics team. But people do know that if there was no such age limit, He Kexin deserved that gold medal. She should be proud of herself because even if she wasn't qualified to compete in the Olympics(assuming if all the cases were true), she still beat the U.S. which is one of the best gymnastics teams in the world.

  8. If it is found that she is in fact underage, she should not be able to keep her medal.

  9. hey she can't help how old she is.  If she is underage it's the adults concerned that are at fault.  She was allowed to compete and she earned her medal.  

  10. Yes.

    i mean, she was amazing, and the IOC is only charging her of cheating because so COMPUTER HACKER accused her. to me, it seems embarrassing that some computer hacker from america was mad that usa was defeated by china in gymnastics and decided to produce some "documents" that allegedly say that He Kexin cheated and the IOC are going with him.

    FYI ppl, being younger is an ADVANTAGE in gymnastics, which is why they are investigating, which i still think they shouldn't be.

  11. Rules are rules. Younger gymnast's have an advantage over the older ones. So that is cheating its not about someone younger beating someone older. Cheating isn't right. Yes the Chinese girls are very talented I'm not saying that their not, but you have to follow the rules. I'm sure if she would have waited till she was the proper age in 2012 she would win a few gold medals then.  

  12. No, Rules are Rules

  13. I strongly believe that she is underage and she needs to be disqualified.  She is not old enough to compete and therefore should not get her medal.  The medal needs to rightly go to the true winner.  It is sad that the host city of the olympics is trying to do stuff like this.  

  14. if they find out she is underage they will take her medals away, but she definitely earned them and should be proud of herself that she was able to beat people older than herself

  15. If she is underage, yes her medal should be taken away because that is breaking the rules as much as stepping out of your lane for running or whatever if not more.

    But if after the investigation that the IOC is doing, it can't be proved beyond speculation, then no, she should keep it, and people should stop beating a dead horse with the whole age thing as it just makes us look like poor sports and sore losers.

  16. He kexin looks young but look at the 15 year old diver from china she is tiny and weighs less than he kexin and she is 15... It seems strange as there are reports of her being 13,14,15 & 16 and the document below is reported in april 2008 it states she is 16... and the china gymnastics team was only decided a week before the olympics started.... so there definately could be a chance she is of age.

  17. Yes because she was forced to compete it was not her choice..what are we going to prove by crushing a little girls heart.

  18. From what I hear being lighter, lither and less physically developed is an advantage in gymnastics. So the fact that He is younger would not necessarily put the older Americans to shame anyway.

    They're really starting to look into the issue, and if the do find that He is underage I think that she should be stripped of her medals and the runner-up declared champion.

    It can get complicated, some people believe that she should be able to keep the medal because she earned it, but be banned in the next games, others say it was an unfair advantage so why let her keep the medal because the USA would have been able to submit underage girls as well, raising our chances. And there is still the issue that a young girl like this wouldn't know any better and been forced in by her country. Really complicated.

    But I think if we're able to prove she's underage. Strip her medals, embarass her country (so they they'll think twice next time) and let the runner-up rightfully step up.

    Oh, and I'm asian and when I look at other asians I have pretty good judgement of their age unlike most of my other friends. When I saw He Kexin on T.V. I thought she was 12-14 years old. I was sure they had changed the Gymnastics rules to allow youngins, but they claimed she was 16?? I was freakin amazed.

  19. I don't think the IOC will do anything but a semi-serious investigation

    I doubt at all the IOC will seriously look at the evidence and make a fair ruling

    They are completely ball-less

  20. If she is underage they will DQ here and take the medal away...

    It may DQ the whole team in the team competition?

  21. They, the IOC, are investigating it and, hopefully, the truth will be revealed.

    If she indeed is underage then no, she shouldn't be allowed to keep her medal(s). This is because the age restriction is set to keep athletes from gaining unfair advantages.

  22. I think that it was really unfair that the Chinese cheated by putting "underage" girls in the Olympics but hey, she worked just as hard as anybody else and even though she is/might be underage, i don't think that it would be necessary to strip her or her team of the medals they earned. Think about it, you work so hard to get in the Olympics and then because you're a little bit younger they'll just take your medals away?? It's not the same as when athletes use drugs/steroids,etc to cheat; these girls work hour upon hour on these routines!! I don;t think that she'll exactly "get away" with this but you know some people may think that only a verbal lecturing, etc is not enough, but i don't know the other punishments they would do so....

    That's just my thought, but hey, whatever you think is fine.

    have a good day!!


    yeah i knew people would give me thumbs down...

    o well


    whatever suits them!

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