
Do you think Hillary Clinton would be a good Secretary of State if Barack Obama wins the Presidency?

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I would like to see Condoleeza Rice be Secretary of State for four (4) more years because she has done such a great job negotiating with foreign powers but that is not going to happen. Do you think that Hillary has the experience and finesse to be our Secretary of State if Barack wins?




  1. Nah i don't think she should serve as secretary of state but i believe she should be on the cabinet some where maybe in charge of the health care since she has been working on universal health care for so long she would know what to do

  2. I think Bill Richardson should be Sec. of State.  He is by far the most qualified person for the job.

    Maybe a supreme court nomination for HRC.  She's too much of a politician for me to actually like her or her personality, but I think she could do quite a bit of good on the supreme court.

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