
Do you think Hillary approves of the ownership of guns?, of Automobiles?

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Do you think Hillary approves of the ownership of guns?, of Automobiles?




  1. Hillary will not want to blow off the Southern Democrats and Conservatives by advocating a control of guns.  She will appease her base with taxes on ammunition and gun registration fees to the federal government (which will barely cover the costs of the bureacracy set up to collect it).  

    As for cars she could care less.  She doesn't likely own a car and is shuffled around where ever she goes.  All she cares about in terms of cars is how much more revenue she can take from them - federal registration fees for environment! New gasoline taxes!  And then redistribute those monies to the people she needs votes from (the poor).

  2. she is as close to a communist as you can get in America. she wants to socialize everything.  she will not be able to ban guns (constitution protects us on that) but its likely she will try to regulate the Hel* out of them. i don't think there's a whole lot she can do about the car situation.

    God help us if she is elected. i can confidently say i would vote for a chimpanzee before i voted for her. and im not even a die hard republican (i am republican however)

    im a barack obama supporter, but i think peoples ignorance and prejudices will get in the way of his election. well probably get another republican in office, and i don't think any of them are very qualified.

  3. No and fact, I could see her pushing Congress for a requirement that all Americans purchase hybrids, than sticking a huge tax on them.

  4. Yes.

  5. controlling guns isn't that every ones first question to day in politics.  I have guns OK i could live with out them if i had to.  We don't hunt our own food for survival anymore there simply for recreational use not for anyother use.

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