
Do you think Hillary as she says has spent?

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more than three decades advocating on behalf of those who are invisible in America? I do not think she has.




  1. I really hate Hillary so I say she lied.

  2. Wish she spent even 1/2 as much on trying to help the people in darfur....I would probably vote for her then

  3. Actually.

    She meant I believe the work she has done for children. Then after as First Lady for women in the over 80 countries she has visited.

    I believe had she taken another path beyond meeting WJ Clinton, Hillary Diane Rodham would have been a brilliant Republican. She almost said no as her heart led her to yes.

    Now, I don't believe a darn word out of her mouth. Except that her daughter Chelsea is an exceptional human being. Aloha.

  4. She has actually devoted herself for the cause of helping women & children for years. Why don't you google her bio?

  5. Course she hasn't. She's just a superficial celebrity like the rest of them.

  6. Hillary is in this for Hillary. Make no mistake about that.

  7. She is a known liar and will use any facts (fiction or truthful) to try to win votes.  I agree with you that she has not worked on behalf of those who are invisible in America.  I thinks her facts are invisible.

  8. what?

  9. Of course not.  She's spent 3 decades trying to figure out how to make a capitalist country into a socialist country.

  10. hu?

  11. Well, initiatives such as health care reform and those attempts speak to that.  The working poor, who are by and large, the invisible in America are the ones that are supporting her because she does support these issues.

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