
Do you think Hillary is having some serious adjustment issues? how important is "time out" presently?

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Hillary is a fighter, very targeted, & she demonstrates strong will/determination. From the start, I expected Hillary to lead the race w/astounding victories & so did she! I made many assumptions simply because she is a Clinton. She articulates policy well - I thought the shadow of Bill will be her "ready made" charisma.

(My favoritism toward Hillary was so great until I basically dismissed Obama. I figured at best, Obama would be a good VP choice. To be honest, I just didn't think a black man was able to be a President. Why? Who knows why - I just think that way. And...I am black! The long campaign has helped me to confront my internalized poor esteem regarding my abilities.)

Perhaps Hillary & many other Americans think like that. (?) I wonder if Hillary & Bill are really struggling with major adjustment issues. Time is a healer. Everybody needs a break. We'll adapt; it's not easy facing situations where expected outcomes simply don't occur. Now I support Obama '08!!




  1. Hillary has been beat up by the DNC. They chose Obama and kicked her to the curb. Time will not heal these wounds. Hillary has spent her life working toward this goal and it was jerked away from her. It's sad. The DNC will realize this too late. Hillary should be running as an independent.

  2. Nice to see someone see the light, and is open and honest about themselves.  Very refreshing.

    It was a long hard battle, so I give it to her that she needs some rest.  I just wish she would step out of the way so we can all come together.  The longer this drags out the more frustrated and angry her supporters become.

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