
Do you think Hillary supporters will vote for an Anti-Choice Anti-Liberty Anti-Privacy candidate?

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or is McCain offering eye candy to the Conservatives?




  1. Are these the best we got?

    Isn't Barr still running as an Ind. ?

  2. Feminists are already sounding off about it being insulting.

    Considering that most Hillary supporters that are not on board with Obama by now are Feminists who feel snubbed, I think McCain passed up a lot of REAL talent for a gimmick that isn't even going to work.

    It might give the Feminists the "excuse" to vote for Obama, now that they can't say that the Republican party is "pandering"

    If McCain thought he should pick a woman, he should have picked an ugly one.

  3. What??? Anti Choice---she correctly belirves abortion is always murder.  Anti -liberty... what liberty have you lost?  Anti -privacy--is you silly little teen age -ss not been protected ???  Grow up!!

  4. nope your estimates are wrong and off balance.

  5. I will, I do not tolerate baby slaughter!

  6. Yes, because "h**l hath no fury like a woman scorned".

  7. Hillary supporters are mostly highly educated baby boomers.   Why would they vote for a beauty queen who likes to kill wolves from an airplane and is in bed with BIg Oil?  It ain't going to happen.

    McCain looks like a dirty old man with his trophy wife on one arm and the much younger Palin on the other.  His age is really obvious by contrast.  Bad choice for him.

  8. They will if she is female.

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