
Do you think Hillary wants to be vice president in hopes that barrack will be assassinated ?

by Guest10837  |  earlier

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after all they have had alot of accedental deaths of people they have known in the past.




  1. You read my question  so does that mean i get best answer  

    just to say that she was talking about Robert  Kennedy and his demise  

    So i won`t say no to that one ., an online news outlet that provides cutting edge information on the political, cultural and socioeconomic thrust of the Black world, has an interesting article this week that links former president Bill Clinton to a group that supports the Ku Klux Klan.

  2. Obama is smart enough to not have her as VP. He would have to hire a food taster.

  3. Yes. She's that much of a low life that I wouldn't put it past her. Just my opinion

  4. No - she wants him to lose so she can run in 2012.  Barring that if he wins she wants to be the VP so she is the defacto nominee in the event he wins 2 terms, HA HA!

    Really she wants him to lose, every one realize that the country made a mistake in nominating Barack and sweep her to the nomination in 2012 where she will be crowned Emporer of the USA, melt the USA int the UN as well as concour the hearts and minds of europe, ASIA and Africa and rise to her pre-ordained position as ruller and protector of the earth and the voice of God on earth.

  5. I don't think she really wants the veep.

  6. I'm sorry my man, but you shouldn't be asking tasteless questions like this. The thought of killing another human being shouldn't even be in anyones mind...

  7. WHY WOULDNT SHE?? She just whants to be president because her husband was and so she can be the first woman to be presadent. so go vote for obama i am. do it dude

  8. She said, thats why she was staying in the race a couple of weeks ago!

  9. The reason she only suspended her run,,,,, just in case

  10. Do you really think that come on now that would not be a logical reason but then again you do not sound logical

  11. no i dont think so

  12. True, a lot of blacks in politics have been shot by ignorant people. If he does become elected even if he is still popular after a disaster, or a few months in office, or a few threats, some idiot will pull the trigger and kill off another great political mind. Lets hope the FBI recognizes this to and tightens up security.

    To answer your question: No, I doubt she'd accept it anyhow. She had done her duty as a fellow democrat to sponsor Obama (he would have done the same for her no doubt), Hillary has no doubt gone into hibernation until the next election of interest for her.

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