
Do you think Hitler meant "Arian" race instead of "Aryan" race?

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It would have made more sense to use a term of Christianity that had spread through Gothic Germany rather then a term belonging to people of the Far East...........

(I put this question on R&S but decided that I would get more rational awnsers here)




  1. He, most likely, was trying to create a new concept from older concepts. Yet, I don't see how your idea comes into play.  If you want to play with the word then remember Hitler was a very good artist that was not able to get into art school (if only they had allowed him, so much would be different). Art comes close to that word and many people see artist as being closer to God. Also, Aries comes to mind. Aries is the first sign of the horoscope and thus is a symbol for "first".  The goat sign is also associated with the devil and pagan religion.  Maybe, he was thinking of going back to pagan origins since that was the original religion of Europe. That could explain the No Sin belief and unmarried being alright since the church was the creator of the marriage ceremony. I mean, he sure wasn't a good Christian and I would assume, not much studied in the ideas.

  2. What doesn't make sense is that Aryan was a term used for South Asians, Indians in particular.  How ironic!

  3. Hitler was fixated on a "pure Germanic race." He effectively used antisemitism to create scapegoats and villains for people to look down on and to blame for their problems.

    "Lebensborn" was an official n**i program to "care for unmarried pregnant women whose racial characteristics,blond hair, blue eyes, no Jewish ancestry,fit the n***s' Aryan ideal. "

    There was even a n**i advice columnist to help the process along. The message was that there was no sin, marriage wasn't required and good n**i women has many babies.

    In short it was breeding a "master race" while eliminating all that didn't measure up.

  4. Icabod has the right idea.  Hitler wasn't against the early medieval heresy promulgated by Arius and squashed by the Roman Catholic Church.  He was interested in the idea of he and the Germanic peoples being descended from a master race termed the Aryan race, a totally stupid idea found in Theosophist teachings in the late nineteenth century.  Theosophy preached that humanity was descended from pure spirit to Hyperborians to Lemurians to Atlanteans to the present-day, with Semitic peoples (Arabs and Hebrews, or, in short, the fathers of the Abrahamic religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam).  This silly idea took hold of his little mind.  Of course, the occasion for civil unrest, one of the worst economic recessions in the history of civilization, lack of any public moral after WWI, and racist ideas brewing over centuries found their occasion to take route in Hitler's brain and his populace.

  5. no he meant Aryan;Aryan is also mentioned by the Yogi's of

    great magnitude in old India particularly 1880's

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