
Do you think Hollywood is degrading society?

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Like, influencing people to only care about looks and materialistic things, how many people you sleep with, being fake, etc. etc?




  1. i think hollywood reflects society.  some people just dont like it when what society is, confronts what they feel society should be.

  2. My answer?  Absolutely!!  They indulge in self-gratuitous s*x at every opportunity, act out gross displays of kissing, flaunt their abilities to create explosions and disasters thereby polluting the atmosphere, and generally include inappropriate aggression and argument in their movies and TV shows.

    As far kissing is concerned, I'm all for it.  I just don't like the way it's portrayed in movies or on TV.  I also think s*x is a perfectly natural behaviour but Hollywood has taken it to excess so that it becomes just a meaningless act.

  3. Absolutely. Hollywood thrives on the principles of indulgence. People are first led to believe (through media propaganda, peer pressure etc.) that they actually care about what the latest 'celebrity gossip' is or how many more Jolie has adopted. The celebrities on the other hand fullfill this need by gettin up to a whole lot of antics.

    In the end it is all about money. Getting the consumer to pay for the movie ticket plus popcorn, selling the magazine, getting them to buy the hottest 'underwear'. Everyone these days is seeing errors in themselves: "Ohh, my butt is too big!, I think my eyebrows are a little to high, look at all this loose skin (location undisclosed), I really need a good tummy tuck and love handle reduction". They then pay 10 000 dollars but in the end they are left unsatisfied, they now have to get the other cheek fixed as well.

    You may say that this isn't the case with everyone. However, a HUGE majority of people exhibit this sort of thought to varying degrees. From little girls dressing as woman to yr 12 prom students competing with each other about who's got the most expensive designer dress.

    Seriously who gives a s**t about what brad pitt is doing or who he is dating. You will never be on his list of 'likeable people'. Give it up, he is just a pretty face you cannot get together with

    This is a topic that could take a while to explore. Suffice it say, there is definitely more to Hollywood (and other 'influences') than innocent movie stars making a living in show biz. And this doesn't end at Hollywood, Hollywood is a reflection of the ideas of western society.

    This is Hollywood my friend, and you are paying for it.

  4. Well the world around us influences us in ways like you stated whether or not Hollywood exists. But I get what you mean, Hollywood is a huge influence. I mean, some dude from Taiwan came here a few weeks ago to go to CalTech (I live 6 miles away) and he was pretty surprised that Los Angeles isn't as bad as movies say it is. And sometimes Hollywood takes s*x just too far. It makes seem like it's ok to have mercy or casual/free s*x.

  5. Yeah, but that's everywhere u go.

  6. hollywood is giving the world a false message how americans are. i have a friend from belguim (exchange student) and he was surprised to see what America really is. that its not how it is in hollywood. its basically normal, just like in Belgium and Europe.

  7. Well, it depends on how to perceive it to be.  Hollywood, viewed by mainstream society, see it as materialistic, posh, conceited, sleeping with every other celebrity.  

    However, despite that, Hollywood can be seen as an inspiration towards society, by showcasing celebrities, actors, and actresses that are truly exceptional in their own standing.

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