
Do you think Hooters is a sleazy place to eat?

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I don't like going there, the food is garbage, you get ripped off, and the waitresses are total trash. They treat you like you're g*y if you actually give them any respect and dignity. I have the impression a lot more goes on there than wings and beer. I kind of stay away and secretly wish the government will declare it a house of prostitution and close it down.




  1. Yes.

  2. dunno mate never been there

  3. They you treat yo like you are g*y because you act like it. This question tells us all that. I have been to lots of Hooters restaurants and have never gotten that impression. If you don't like it then just don't F@cking go. You don't have to hate on it because you don't like it. There are plenty of people who do! Most of the girls that work there are college students! Ever notice they are almost always close to a college campus. Its a sports bar.

  4. It is not sleazy. Your mind is in the gutter and you are judging something that you know nothing about.  Get over it and if you don't have anything good to say about it don't say it at all.  You are probably g*y since you don't enjoy it and it has nothing to do with prostitution.  Of course we could ask the expert, which I guess you think you are.

  5. I do not find it any better or worse than other chain restaurant food.  When out of town, you know that the food will be at least decent, and the game will be on a big screen TV.

    So what if the waitresses wear tight shirts and short short, no different than any other sports bar.  I have found Hooter to be a better class of waitresses than some other local places.

    Maybe you are just not used to being treated nice by a waitress, and she is not treating you like you are g*y.  Harmless flirting is a standard sports bar waitress way of getting better tips.  Maybe the waitresses can see that you are a cheap guy and not worth the effort?  Are you calling them prostitutes because a nice girl would not give you the time of day?

    Oh, by the way, I'm a married woman, who when traveling will go to Hooters with my husband to watch a football game on a big screen.

  6. I hear it is.   I can't say it is, because I never been there and I choose not to go there.  Different strokes for different folks.  Live and Let live.

  7. You sure are sheltered aren't you? You should visit Rachel's in Orlando, FL sometime. Think again before you say Hooters is sleazy. I really believe people who are anti-Hooters are just insecure snoots. In my experiences the girls are always super friendly, outgoing, and they create a fun & comfortable dining experience. It's a great place to go watch the game with friends. The food isn't five star cuisine, but you shouldn't be going there with these over the top expectations. You know what you're getting in to, get over it!

  8. If one more person starts off an answer to this question by saying "I have never been there but it looks sleazy" I am going to scream. Just shows how lazy and stupid people have become, IF YOU HAVE NEVER BEEN THERE THEN DON'T ANSWER. NOBODY NEEDS YOUR UNEDUCATED OPINION. Everyone wants to run their mouth without doing the work to have an informed statement,

  9. It ain't prostitution if they're not actually having s*x with you.  Inflating men's confidence is hardly the same as actually letting them penetrate you.

    The food is pretty middle-of-the-road and easily prepared but it's fried and cheesy and greasy, which appeals to most men.  There's lots of beer, and the girls are pretty darn cute.  Frankly I wish I'd been been the first to think of it.

  10. Hooter's is not a sleazy place to eat! Everyone is entitled to their opinions, though. I have seen families there enjoying theirselves. Maybe you had a bad experience but I never have. As for anything going on-the girls cannot date their customers. The girls are suppose to be friendly, kind and always smile. They are hired based on work experience, personality and their looks. I have never seen an ugly Hooter's Girl. My advice to you-don't go back! Maybe Hooter's isn't your kind of place. Try McDonald's.

  11. From a mature female perspective: I think there is nothing wrong with Hooters. The girls are there to make money, the guys are there to stare at the girls while they eat wings and drink beers, and the female customers are there to have wings and beer, too.

    There's nothing immoral or illegal about it, but I would not take children there because it's not designed for them.

  12. It's not anymore sleazy than your neighborhood mall.  At least these chicks wear pantyhose.

    The food, however, leaves something to be desired.  The beer is always cold and the waitresses, although not always the brightest crayons in the box, are always ready to greet you with a smile.  My wife and I check out the place for the HD football games and cheap pitchers.

  13. hmmm hoooters have greaat foood

  14. yup.i agree. even though i never been there. i passed by it a lot and it looks trashy and sleazy like some strip joint or something. only pervs probably eat there.

  15. who cares?

  16. If the food is good who cares if its sleazy or not. If its expensive I would care.

  17. Ive never personally been to one but yeah I would think they would be kinda sleazy cause guys just go there for the half dressed waitresses. Then again, I heard they have good wings. I don't care if they stay open though, I just dont go to places where I dont feel comfortable and you should'nt either.

  18. I think it's a sleazy place, but it's not a w***e house.

  19. You gotta take it for what it is.

    Guys go there to have their egos stroked.   You dont want or need that, then there is no need to go.

  20. yah..where I'm at in colorado the girls are fugly.and the food tastes like c**p

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