
Do you think Horse racing is Bad and why?

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  1. No its not bad at all. People are just badly some people. Ive grown up racing its not bad horse are born to run. Race horses are treated like royality. If you think horse racing is bad then so is dog racing. Certain animals are ment to race they love every second of racing. I bet you horses would  kill to be a race horse, a wonderfull stable, they are fed good meals, tehy are being watch 24/7, They get baths almost daily, everyday they are checked to make sure they are healthy, they go swimming trotting, They prob have a better life than you. Horse racing is not bad, never has been bad and never will be. and end of story. Everyone is intitled to their own opinion but do not say you hate people that like the sport. Thats just being judgmental

  2. No, it is not bad, horses like to run and most races are not very long.  No races and horses would disapear.  Why would anyone have one then?

  3. horse back is very fun but can be dangerous b/c the hores might spin out of control and flip a person right off hes back be careful

  4. NO horse racing is NOT bad.

    The people who do NOT understand and watch one race a year are bad for trying to put their thoughts on to everyone else.  This especially means PETA

  5. horse are born to run,that's why at birth they stand on their feet ready to escape predators, also most births happen at night, for the same reason, to escape  the modern day horse is well looked after

  6. No

    there can be a few accidents here and there but believe me those horses love to run .

  7. No,,

    and done right (meaning training by pros' feeding etc ,, It;s a great sport ), and very good to watch your horse that you have trained for such a long time """WIN ""

    allot goes in to the training and ,picking the right stud to breed to the right mare ,

    It's not like Barrel racing at all,,We train hard and have to know allot about it

    we do not Just take a horse out one day, after he has been sitting for a yr in the back yard and diceide to run him !!!

    We work at it 7 days a week , we feed them to a science ,, and Know how to gallop them,, and we know who;s good or bad on that horse

    It take yrs of learning how to do it right

    We have Finesse , Not just whip spur, and jerk

    They are breed for it and 75 0/0 percent  of the horses Love doing it ,,

    Not very many have to be forced on the track ,,

    I love race horses , and training them ,,

    So NO,,,it is not bad

    Only bad trainers and riders and or grooms

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