
Do you think Horse racing is animal Cruelty?

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I hate that this horse at the Kentucky Derby had to be put down.

It's like she did her job and broke her ankles and that was the end for her.

Its on CNN.

Are there groups who fight horse racing? And bull riding?

Is using an animal for sport cruel? What do you think?




  1. Yea, this was a big discussion at my house tonight.. I wish they would have at least paid some of the money they make racing them to get the horse surgery.. Im highly angry that they just put them down, I thought tho that they had these horse ranches for horses that cant race anymore. But I dont know any of them locally.. But yes I do know they have people that fight it...

  2. YES!

    People just sit with their money and their stupid fluffy hats with bouncing sh*t coming out of the top and dont realize what the horses are being put through! I didnt make it to the television in time but when i found out this morning i was heartbroken. Its so sad how people put young horses in like that for MONEY. Its really depressing. I would be so mordified if my favorite horse on this planet was put into a big shindig like that and had to be put down for breaking to ankles.

    I'll pray for Eight Bells.

  3. Absolutely.....How would You like it if some creature put a harness on your head, jumped on your back, and started whipping your butt with a leather belt while thousands of others  were screaming at you from the stands ?

  4. I think that two year old racing is cruel, and should be banned.

    In the old days, they were not aware of muscle to bone mass, and didn't know how destructive it was to race-condition a horse so young.

    If they use shock absorbing surface, and stop two year old racing, it wouldn't be so disastrous.

    I used to have a retired race horse..He lived to run. absolutely loved it, and was upset when I held him back.

  5. Yes I think its very cruel...Yeah maybe they can ride horses when they are 5.but that wouldnt make money for the snobs who own the horses.Its cruel to race horses so young thats 2 or 3.Their bones have not even been fully developed....Its animal cruelty.Its just like animal fighting.I'm against horse racing now...All they do is kill horses...And what do they think oh shes worth more dead.......all they think about is money...not the poor horses.....This is horable what they do...Eight belles is beautiful and will be missed.

  6. yeah i think it is. i mean the horses dont have a say if they want to race in the derbys.. and for that pour horse today that was wicked sad but i think it was for the best to put her down because she would have been in more trouble trying to fix the legs =(

  7. Today changed me, I've been a hypocrite against myself for years, loving horses and enjoying watching horse racing.   I've feel like I've always been such a strong advcoate against animal cruelty and for animal rights, yet here I've been for years watching horse racing, for my own selfish enjoyment not ever really thinking what the horses had to endure.  

    I even had placed a bet on Eight Belles because I liked the idea of her being the only female against all the males.  

    When I was watching t.v. today I was happy at first thinking, wow this gal beat all those guys, then a couple minutes laster seeing her lying on the track and my heart sank and my eyes welled up.   Two years ago when Barbaro hurt himself I was deeply distraught yet I'd continue to watch the Triple Crown races.  I've been a hypocrite these past years,.   .  

    And also this tragedy on the heels of another tragedy I read that yesterday a colt who won the Barbaro Stakes last year hurt himself in a race on the Derby track (the ghost of Barbaro?).  Fortunately I don't think this colt had to be put down but maybe for his own lucky sake his racing days are over and he can live the rest of his years in a lush paddock.

    I really hope this might make people realize (as it did myself) that these animals don't have a choice, it is dangerous for this strenuous lifestyle to be a regular daily life for these animals.  I'm sure alot of people will argue that it's what the horses love to do, they get out there and run, I'd been convinced of that for years.  Yet they live most of their racing life in a small stall, what I think would be the equivalent of a human in a phone booth, so of course once the horse gets out on the track for morining workouts or to race they run like lightining out of a bottle because they've been crampled up most of the hours in a day.

    This makes it three years running now with injured horses in big name horse races, maybe more people will begin to realzie how it is selfish to race the horses for our entertainment and for a fatter wallet for the horses owner.  I don't think racing will ever stop, the sport of kings has been around way too long, but maybe, just maybe we can advocate for these animals and make it not so grueling so it could one day be pleasure for the horse as well.

    RIP Eight Belles, you gave your best and your life.

  8. Millions are spent on these animals breeding so that they have the drive and the talent to win.  Millions are spent on thier training to get them in top physical condition for race day.  Yet they push them beyond thier limits until their legs shatter or thier hearts explode on the track.  Why can't they spend the mony trying to med a broken leg?  I know she was inpaid and they don't want her to suffer, but why not put her under anestesia right away instead of euthanisia?  And these are the best of the best trainers and vets??   I wonder how many horses race themselves to death on smaller tracks every year.  Yet horse racing is not cruel, al least not when the owners are responsible enough to know their horse's limitations.  But when you race your horse and break thier limit and they die for you, you are then responsible for thier murder.  They are animals.  They can't shoose to race.  You made them race and it detroyed them... or wrather you destroyed them when you chose not to fix a broken leg.  Murderer.  Becuase you can't teach common sence to greedy humans, horse racing should be MUCh more closely regulated my animal cruelty groups, if not banned all together.

  9. Horses are made to be ridden.  That's what they are bred for.  Sometime accidents happen, but such is life.

  10. Im a jockey here in Australia,Ive been race riding for 28 years.

    Its not a cruel sport, its my job.

  11. yes

  12. I think horse racing should be banned It's as bad as dog fighting these noble animals die and it seams as if no one cares they have no one to fight for them yes they are to  ride but to race so many together on an over crowded track all because people bet money and then slaughtered on a dirty track what a shame wheres PETA why don't they try to stop this cruelty

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