
Do you think Hurricane Gustav is a sign from God?

by Guest61476  |  earlier

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Do you think this Hurricane is sign that God doesn't want the Republicans to wins? God's not so friendly reminder of what happen the last time a hurricane hit the Big Easy. Are people still going to vote for John HurriMcCain if Gustav destroy everything and him and Bush don't do c**p? Should we trust the party that cause New Orleans pain from Katrina?




  1. no.

  2. This is freaking hilarious, hahha.

  3. It's a sign that unthinking compassion is very dangerous.  When we should have moved everybody out of the 9th and 10th wards instead we rebuilt their homes in the vain hope that never again would a place below sea level ever be flooded again.  

  4. As a person who worked briefly in the ministry, I don't believe God is really in the business of punishing people like this.

    As a person with a sense of humor, I really like Dr. Philip's answers.

  5. You do not need a sign form God to answer this question.  All you need to do is read the word of God.  Which party better represents the word of God?  If you really want to know this you will read the word of God.  Neither one of these Parties is 100% right.  No Church is 100% right but God is always right.

    As a child, if I asked my father a question and wanted him to give me advise he would say to me " Lets see what God says about that".  He would open up the bible and we would read his words.  This helped me make good decisions.

    As in the story of Joseph.  His brother's sold him into slaver.  Genies 45:5.  "And now do not be grieved or angry with yourselves because you sold me here; for God sent me before you to preserve life."   As a result  I say -What people mean for bad God can made good.  You might say why are you saying this?   So - I say this to you because bad things happen to us so Good can come out of it.  Think of what Good has come form Katrina not bad?  The bad is in the pass which can not be changed but we can learn from our mistakes and that is all we need to do!  

  6. Are you KIDDING ME!? its a sign that global warming is getting worse and maybe we should all try and do our part to try and go green. But hey what do I know... I'm only a Byzantine Catholic who went to a Roman Catholic school and had to listen to the stupid God Is PUNISHING YOU for everything you do rhetoric for 4 years.

    Grow up and realize that things like weather and disease are not punishments from God

  7. It's a sign from meteorology.

  8. NO but I think your question is a sign of ignorance.

  9. i doubt it

    its just because its hurricane season

  10. not really, but, it is controlled by Him. if you have a close relationship you can ask Him to weaken the storm.  prayer works.  it isn't no where near as a strong as they predicted.... thank God!

  11. Yeah  it's a BIG sign from God that people who live in areas that are subject to hurricanes shouldn't be living in places that are below sea level

  12. In the Bible's book of Job, Satan was the cause of Job's misfortune.  Maybe Satan brought it on to help the Democrats and God knows that without the biased press wonks in Minnesota, that helps the Republicans.

  13. HAHA YES!

    I <3 GUSTAV.

    its even better because it weakened to a cat 3 storm.

    but people still aren't going to show up.

  14. Of course. A sign to get to higher ground.

  15. it is a sign from god..sing that he disagree with war monster Mc cain..

    and sing of Time to stop GOP

  16. god, why would anyone post such a question, just to look like an idiot?

  17. The reason it had happen was because the republicans had prayed that it would rain during the Democrats convention. You can't pray for evil it will haunt you back and look what's happening now they have a hurricane, and it was perfect weather for the democrats. Even mother nature knows that republicans are evil and the devils themselves. That's pretty sad that the so called richest nation in the world couldn't protect their own people. When the levees broke they thought that they were lying at first. Trusting the republicans is like trusting the devil himself.  

  18. Yes, it's punishment for Obama's g*y relationship with Larry Sinclair.

  19. Hurricanes are only a sign from God when right wing nuts like Hagee says so.

    When a Hurricane strikes Kansas and bypasses seaboard states, I'll believe there is a sign from God.

  20. Well, it's sure an opportunity for the Repugs to grandstand - which they're already doing, by the way...

  21. No but i do believe its a sign that were getting closer and closer to the end of time, everything is happening just like the bible says...and what are people doing not working together to help eachother out and worrying bout whos gonna win...soo lame...Hows that gonna help anyone when we're all dead. yeah, its not.  

  22. I live in Louisiana and our Republican governor has done a lot more than our old Democratic governor did. Hurricanes aren't as sign of God, they are a natural occurrence in nature. This is not a political stunt, ok? This is a hurricane, not a test to see whether Republicans or Democrats are going to get into office.

  23. I immediately take everything you said with a huge grain of salt.  Why?  Because you don't care enough to correct your spelling and grammar.  And, I didn't mention faulty logic.  That being said, no I don't.

  24. I'd like to know how an atheist would answer this question.

  25. It's a sign that you are an idiot!

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