
Do you think Hurricane Gustav will go down in history even worse then Katrina??

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There is supposed to be a catagory 5 storm heading torward New Orleans and it is goona be worse than Katrina.I hear that ppl are even staying there until the last minute and I think that is soo stupid.But they are saying that this hurricane will go down in history and stuff......but what do you think ??

Thanx for your opinions ;)




  1. The storrn might. Never know. But with Governor Jindal handling Louisiana now instead of that whining liberal ex Governor, you will see how adults handle it

  2. No.

    First off, it's category 3 NOT 5, and it won't hit 5.

    Secondly, it's projected to land 60-100 miles west of NOLA, not in the city itself.

    Third, the storm's intensity is a lot less than Katrina's.

    Fourth, they're more ready this time, with the levees.

  3. I really hope not.

  4. I dont think so... its just they're thats making it sound so bad because they dont want a repeat of Katrina

  5. Those downplaying this storm need to think twice. FEMA released a report yesterday saying that the levees might not hold.


  6. Probably not.  The storm is getting huge hype from the media, but much of that is to keep us glued to the TV (it's working). Gustav is about half the physical size of Katrina right now, and it is predicted to moderate some as it moves north.  Gustav's storm surge is much less than Katrina's, and surge is what kills + does most of the damage - not wind.

    La Vie Boheme is right and all of the current forecasts predict Gustav will make landfall to the west of New Orleans.

    Hopefully I am not just whistling in the dark.....

    Regarding the evacuation, at least 90% of New Orleans' population left before Katrina arrived and about half of the rest went to the Superdome (the designated shelter).  The other 5% are the ones you saw having to be rescued from roofs, etc. Most of the folks who didn't evacuate in 2005 have not returned to the city so won't need to be evacuated this time. That said, the evacuation this time is much better planned AND includes moving people to outside the area - not just to somewhere like the Superdome.  However, it is always effectively impossible to 100% evacuate a city of more than a million people.

  7. i think it will be worse..... it may not hit N.O but there r other towns in louisiana that have ppl too! the media forgot to mention the other towns from Rita..... (two weeks after katrina)

    even today with N.O being half rebult they have towns that r still abandoned because of rita.

    it will hit Sw Louisiana from vermillion bay. the heart of Acadiana where alot of ppl live. its very sad.

  8. Every report I see predicts landfall to be a Cat 3 and also predicts it hitting west of New orleans (100 miles away)

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