
Do you think Hussein started the Iran-Iraq war? Is he a warmonger?

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I'm thinking about studying for an essay if Saddam Hussein started the Iraq war for no real reason, and if he is simply a "warmonger" --> (a sovereign or political leader or activist who encourages or advocates aggression or warfare toward other nations or groups)

Let me know what your opinions are!!




  1. While Hussein did indeed initiate overt hostilities; the two nations had a dispute over certain areas for some time before then.  In fact, there is an area which the predecessors of these states have been squabbling over literally since the time of the Sumerians.

  2. i think he played a part in the war...there are many people who played a part in it... there has to be some reason why it was started but there are too many events that took place to cause this war... we cant pin point it on one reason or one person...there are many...

  3. Hussein and the Shah of Iran settled the border dispute and were at peace. The Ayatollah Khomeini took over in a bloody coup and immediately rejected the border treaty. Hussein had a large population of poor, restless young men, many Shia like Khomeini and he feared the Iranian revolution would spread to Iraq. He used the border dispute as an excuse for war. Interestingly, Hussein's weapons were mostly Russian and Iran's were mostly American yet Hussein was supported by America and Iran by Russia. It just shows how allegiances change so quickly in that area. Just before Hussein died, I read he thought the US was going to make a deal with him and put him back in power. That would have made sense to middle eastern thinking.

  4. I highly doubt that he started the war. Bushy started the war. Saddam was even made our TIME man of the year during the Bushy I reign of terror. YOU tell me who started this war, then tell me whose warmonger country are you with.

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