
Do you think I'll get bad karma for dating a married man but then breaking it off before we slept together ?

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Do you think I'll get bad karma for dating a married man but then breaking it off before we slept together ?




  1. No, I think you did the right thing. If he was willing to cheat on his wife it's him that's gonna get the bad karma...

  2. Oh if you don't you deserve it! What were you thinking dating a married man? s*x or no s*x, it's still cheating and you were a willing participant in an affair with a married man. How would you feel if you were the spouse of the man who was "dating" another woman? Wouldn't you consider it cheating whether they had s*x or not? I being a married woman would!  

  3. That's if you believe in that... You have to live with it nobody else... It's not like it has not been done before... DO YOU...

  4. you really did nothing to have karma kick you in the butt so dont worry you did not allow it to get to a point where you couldnt turn back you will be fine

  5. Karma is everywhere and is basically luck. Some people believe in it and others don't. But most of all, Karma is deep within. In your conscience. Do you want to do that to a married man?

    I'm not judging - but you will get bad karma if you do something bad. IE. sinning. So when you sin you get bad luck and bad luck is karma so something will happpen to you like you did to the man.

    I think...

    Don't worry about it too much when bad luck comes you'll know

  6. NO brainer , karma's going to come hunting you soon , why do you have such low self respect ? why dont you have respect for other people's marriage's ? were you close to your mother ? father ? or were 1 or both absent from your life ? were you sexually abused as a child / teen ?

    These are just some of the reason's why people cheat with married people because they dont believe they are deserving of having a respectable loving spouse themself so they just take the tid bit trash fed to them by cheating spouse's it's sad but true and I think until you find yourself and discover what makes you tick and become more secure within yourself then you will continue to destroy marriages good luck.

    Shanae how basic ? like absolutely NO idea on karma ? gawd I can not believe the amount of cheater's replying to this question wow amazing do you stick together in packs?.

  7. it will come back and get you. don't sleep with a married man . he does not belong to you.  

  8. its best to pork him first hun

  9. I don't think so.

    Seems to me that what you've just done shows that you are able to walk up to the edge of a moral precipice, look over, think how cool it would be to just fly off the edge but then decide that it's something you simply cannot do. If you want to believe in karma in the sense of a burden carried between incarnations, perhaps you've just demonstrated how far you've moved on from immoral acts you were guilty of in past lives.

    Did you learn something about yourself and about life from the experience? Maybe you now have definite thoughts about whether you'll ever again knowingly get involved with someone who's already married or in another long-term relationship? If so, then it seems to me you should just see the affair as a learning experience, and I personally don't think any of those are ever bad.

    Seems to me that people who get all judgemental about questions such as this are saying far more about their own past experiences and guys they've been involved with than they are about you and what you've done.

    Go and sin no more! ;->

  10. You need to know what you can deal with...for example if the worst thing happened, maybe his wife found out and they break up, could you live with yourself. If you can then your fine. Look after yourself.

    If he's old enough to be married he's old enough to make his own choices and live with the consequence.

    Make it all about you, you only live once x

  11. Yes.... it will come back to bite you in the as*.

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